21 - My Heaven Is Here

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Pete's POV

I thought we'd never reach the road but after more than three hours, when the sun has almost sunken under the horizon, we're out of the woods.

We don't see any car driving past so we decide to just walk along the road, trying to see any sign that there are actually other human beings besides us. We can't be alone in this area.

But after walking for another two hours, we are losing hope. It is entirely dark now and the only light is coming from the stars shining above us.

I think of those stars. They are the same as the night I saw them on the roof of the hotel. When they were as bright as the lights of the cars driving underneath me.

And I think of Patrick. Who may be looking at the same stars as I am. And maybe, just maybe, a small part of him is still thinking of me. Still hoping, still fighting...

Dan pushes me against my shoulder, making me jump. He looks excited and pulls my arm.

"Look!", he points at two lights in the distance. "A car!". He starts to jump up and down, attempting to get the attention of the driver.

The car is coming closer and I start to wave. I can't see what kind of person is driving but I know they have seen us.

The car stops beside us and I can hear an annoyed voice from behind the steering wheel.

"Jesus Christ, more of those lost idiots! Yes, yes, I will pick you up but you have to stay in the back since there is someone asleep in here. And please be quiet, he needs his sleep".

I can't see the other sitting in the front because of the darkness but we don't question anything and hop into the back of the truck.

"Just try and get some sleep", the driver says. "You can ask all your questions tomorrow".

I nod happily and curl up on my side. I see Dan and Phil cuddle up against each other and even Andy's eyelids are getting heavy.

This guy could be a psychopath and an axe murderer or worse but we don't care. It's been a while since someone has been sincerely nice.

I try to stay awake but I just can't. I'm safe now. Questions can come later. Now, the only thing I want is sleep...


The soft touch of rays of sunshine on my face wakes me up and it takes me a few moments to realize where I am.

I see Andy blinking confusedly as we're driving past woods with small villages in between them. Dan and Phil are still sleeping.

Then everything comes back. The mysterious man who let us come along, the unknown person sleeping beside him. The endless journey through the woods before that...

The car starts to drive slower until it has stopped completely. The driver gets out of the car and turns around to look at us.

It's a man who looks like he is about 6 years older than I am. He's a lot taller and his combination of dark-blonde, curly hair and bright blue eyes make him look a little bit intimidating.

"Did you guys sleep well?", he asks. "I'm Dan by the way, Dan Reynolds". He holds out his hand.

I shake his hand and nod. "I'm Pete Wentz. Those guys there are Dan Howell, Phil Lester and Andy Biersack".

"Pete?", Dan asks. "That other guy was mumbling about some Pete in his sleep..."

At that exact moment, the door at the side of the passenger seat opens and someone gets out. It takes a while for my brain to process what my eyes are seeing.

Patrick opens his eyes groggily but they widen as his gaze falls upon me. He takes a step towards me, as if he doesn't know what to do.

I step back, afraid of him. It shocks me that I am scared. I shouldn't be scared...

Andy has woken up too and he jumps in front of me. I push him aside, constantly making eyecontact with Patrick.

Then I realise that the eyes I am staring into eyes that are greenish blue. Not yellow, no blue glow. These are the eyes I see in my dreams. These are Patrick's eyes.

A sob escapes my throat and I run towards him. He almost gets lifted off the ground as I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him so tightly I can nearly hear his bones crack.

He buries his head in the crook between my neck and collarbone and wraps his arms around my neck. The last time he did that was when he was trying to kill me. I shake my head and put those thoughts away. Nothing can ruin this moment.

I can feel Patrick's body shaking and look up to face him with tears running down his cheeks. That breaks me. I hug him again because I feel like otherwise I will fall apart. I cry like I haven't cried in ages.

He hugs me so tight all of my broken pieces stick together. And in that moment, I am whole. I am whole again. All those moments I was broken, they don't matter anymore. He mends me. He makes me the person I am supposed to be.

"Can we stop time?", Patrick's soft voice whispers in my ear.

"Maybe if we just stay very still", I mumble. He chuckles and my body becomes warm at the sound of his laugh. I realize how much I've missed this. How much I've missed him.

Patrick then pulls away and looks me in the eye. I swear, I could melt under his gaze. I can see a glimpse of pity in his face, which then turns to sadness.

"Why?", he asks. "Why did you do it?". I can hear the heartbreak in that sentence and tears are streaming from my eyes again. I look down, not able to make eyecontact now.

"I couldn't live without you", I simply say, because it's the truth. He is my life, and when he's gone, I've got nothing to live for.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, you are worth so much more than a man like me...", Patrick whispers.

"But I don't want more", I say desperately. He can't leave me now. He can't do it again... "I want you... Patrick, please... I need you... Please... Don't go...". I break down and fall to the floor.

But this time, Patrick's small, strong arms catch me and lift me up again. He is here, and he catches me when I fall. Unlike last time, when he was gone. But he is here now.

"I will never, ever, leave you again." He pulls me closer. "Living without you was a nightmare. I missed you. Every single second, I missed you. I wasn't living, I was just surviving... And by the way...". He looks me in the eye.

"I just got you back, my angel. I will not leave you. I'm here. And I will stay here. Forever".

"Forever sounds fine by me", I smile through my tears.

"Forever it is then", he says before pushing his lips onto mine. And in that moment, my heaven is not up in the sky. It is here. My heaven is here.

A/N: OMFG AHHH this was such a great chapter to write! It was so cute and I love writing cute stuff and just OMFG I'm fangirling about my own characters, don't mind me.

I really freaking hope you like it because I love it and leave a comment if you did. I absolutely love reading them so leave like 7 if you want.


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