16 - For Patrick

124 16 3

Pete's POV

I walk forward towards the door of Patrick's house. My heart is fluttering against my ribcage but I am trying my very best to ignore it. I have to do this.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up. Next to me I see Andy. He almost looks like an older brother at me. I can see his expression softening as he sees the fear in my eyes.

"I will make sure that guy won't hurt you, okay?", he says.

"I don't care if he hurts me", I answer, shaking my head. "But if he hurts Patrick, I swear I will break his neck and enjoy doing it". I bite my lip and walk again.

I reach out my hand and with the slightest touch, I open the door. Without any noise, the door opens and a jet black corridor is lying in front of us.

I know the way here as if it was my own house so I immediately step inside. Phil holds me back, looking a bit stressed.

"How do you know that guy didn't set up any traps? He can talk through Patrick's head, who knows what other things he can do", he says, watching over his shoulder as if he thinks somebody might be eavesdropping.

I nod and take one quick step inside and then jump backwards. Nothing happens and we're left alone with the sound of our beating hearts. That is when I risk it.

I take three full steps into the corridor and look around. For ten seconds I am standing there and I decide that if he wanted to send flying knives into my back, he would've done it by now.

"It's okay, you can come in", I semi-shout to my friends. They all follow me carefully, still afraid of what might happen.

I decide that they must be in the basement, because that is the only place that looks as abandoned as the place I saw in my dream. I even remember a blocked window , covered with planks. It must be there.

We used to sneak inside through that window, Patrick and I, after we went outside past bedtime. Patrick's parents caught us one time and since then the window is blocked. I sigh at the memory of those good times.

"Come on, we have to go", Dan whispers as he sees me hesitate. "You can't turn back now. You've come so far. The day you entered Heaven, you were a lost boy, the patterns of tears still on your cheeks and look at you now. Willing to sacrifice everything you have for your boyfriend's life. If that isn't a dramatic change, I don't know what is".

I smile and am suprised once again at how this guy always manages to make the mood lighter. I walk forward again and stop at the beginning of the couple of stairs that lead to the basement.

My hands are sweating and my knees are shaking but I know that I have to be strong. Not for me, for them. For Patrick.

"Come on", I fake a laugh to the others and start to go down the stairs. Andy is following close behind me, almost like a bodyguard and Dan and Phil are walking behind him, holding eachother tightly. It's clear Dan isn't as confident as he appears to be.

We have reached the end of the stairs and my hand is trembling so much that I almost can't open the door I'm standing in front of. I take a deep breath and bite my lip while reaching for the handle as the door opens by itself.

It scares me so much that I jump backwards, making Andy almost fall since he clearly doesn't know the concept of personal space.

I giggle nervously, struggling to get up and hitting Andy in the face while doing that. Dan and Phil are looking like they could cry at any moment and Andy looks like he is just extremely regretting this.

As my heart has stopped beating uncontrollably, I step over the doorstep, just like in my dream. I notice that the others wait, as if they know that this is almost personal.

"I'm surprised it took you so long", a voice from the shadows says and the rhythm of my heart is messed up again. It's him. He has been waiting for me.

"I have come to save Patrick", I say. "You can give him to me, or go down fighting".

A chuckle comes from the darkness and there he is. Even more terrifying than in my dream, and more intimidating than ever. All my hope to survive fades and I take a step back.

"You haven't given up yet", he says. "I'm impressed. But you must not forget that I am powerful and you are just a boy. How could you ever defeat me?"

"By getting help", I hear Andy's voice behind me. Apparently the others have decided now is the time to come in and I have never been happier with their presence. Sadly, it doesn't affect the other person one bit.

"Oh, dear. Adonael, you must be truly desperate, that you've used this boy to get to Earth? Are you that pathetic?" And these ones. Only children". He looks at Dan and Phil and then turns to me.

"What makes you think it was useful to come to earth? How do you know, this wasn't all for nothing?". I can almost see the malice sparkling in his light blue eyes.

"I- I would've know if he was dead", I try to convince myself. "I would've felt it. Just like he felt it with me".

"There are things much worse than death, my young angel. I wasn't planning on killing him any time soon".

I bite my lip to stop tears from falling down my cheek. I knew this was going to happen, I should've realized it. And how can one man be so heartless? Only the-

"You're not a fallen angel", Dan says in sudden realization just as I think of it. "You're the Devil".

"But even the Devil was once a fallen angel". He doesn't deny it, and when I thought our chances were at their worst, I begin to doubt it

OMG ASLSVHDFHSHVK 1K! WHAT THE HELL THIS IS AMAZING. I'm so sorry for not updating earlier but I was really busy with school and with making something else. It's not done yet but it's meant as a suprise to celebrate that I have 1k. You can guess what it is ;)


RightWayIsTheGeeWay: you can't guess because you already know :P

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