27 - I've Never Been More Ready

89 10 7

Patrick's POV

The elevator I'm standing in has reached the highest level and the doors open.

I step out of it, closing my eyes to stop the bright white light that is shining into my face from blinding me.

As my eyes have gotten used to the brightness of this place, I look around. I'm alone in an empty room. Well, almost empty. The only piece of furniture is a desk made of dark wood and an office chair, which are standing exactly in the middle of the room.

Even though I'm alone, I've still got the feeling someone wants to talk to me. Why else would I be placed here?

I was right, because before I got to inspect everything, the door opens and someone walks through. They sit down at the desk and leave me to stare.

The first thing I notice is that this person looks an awful lot like Brendon Urie. The second thing I notice is that this might actually be Brendon Urie. The third thing is that this is Brendon-freaking-Urie that is sitting across from me.

The person that is apparently Brendon sees me glaring at him and I see him looking a little bit guilty.

"I am sorry to bring you the news that I'm not actually your dear friend", he says, confirming the fact that this is definitely not Brendon Urie. Brendon would never talk like this.

"Who are you then?", I ask. "And what- what am I doing here? What is this place?" The longer I talk, the louder my voice gets until I am almost shouting the last sentence.

"Slow down with the quesions", Brendon-who-isn't-Brendon laughs.

"Firstly, think for a little while, I feel like you can already guess where you are".

"I- I...", I stutter before a thought pops up inside my head. "Am I in Heaven?"

Brendon smiles lightly, making me even more confused. "But I thought I'd go to Hell?"

"Why on Earth would you think that?", Brendon ask concerned.

"I killed people... Didn't I?", I am starting to doubt my own sanity.

"Your body did. Your mind didn't. And your mind is the thing that counts for the option between Hell and Heaven", he explains. "If you hadn't been able to cast out Lucifer posessing you, you wouldn't have been here."

"Wait...", I begin to realise what is going on. "Are you God?"

"People do call me that...", Brendon admits carefully.

"But why the hell do you look like one of my friends from Earth?"

"I have the ability to change in whatever form you would be most comfortable with."

Well, that explains a lot. I am standing across from Brendon Urie who isn't actually Brendon Urie but God, who doesn't actually look like Brendon Urie but can look like whoever he wants.

"Why do you want to talk to me?", is the only thing I can say.

"I want to tell you that you don't have to worry. We will capture Lucifer, your friends will come back, life will go on".

"Really?", I snap. "Life will go on, are you serious? I've been possessed by the Devil for more than a week. I killed my friend, my boyfriend killed me and you are expecting that life just goes on?

I'm sorry, but I truly thought God would be smarter."

Brendon-God suddenly gets a bitter expression on his face.

"You'll have to", he mumbles. "You can't just sit in a corner and cry and moan about how your life is over like I did when..."

"When what?", I ask as he suddenly stops.

"When Lucifer left me..."

"He is the Devil!", I say confusedly. "I would be darn happy if he would leave me."

"He is my brother!", God shouts, now on the verge of tears. "He was my brother and I loved him and he betrayed me!

You think your heart was the only one that has been broken, Patrick? You're wrong."

I'm blown away by all his fury. I didn't expect him to still love Lucifer, even after all he's done. But maybe love that was once so strong never dies.

"So, what now?", I ask. "I mean, you have to face him if you want to capture him."

"I know", God whispers. "And I'm terrified."

I smile a little. "So am I."

All of a sudden an unknown man comes running into the room through the door behind the desk.

"We found him!", he shouts, completely out of breath.

Brendon-God's face turns pale and I can almost see his hand start to shake.

"Bring him here...", he whispers with trembling voice.

"He won't cooperate, sir", the man answers. "He wants to see you first. He has locked himself inside an abandoned building and says that he will only talk to people he's talked to before".

"I'll talk to him", I say without thinking, which I immediately regret.

"No, you don't", God cuts me off. "I'm not letting you get into danger again. He's my brother and I'll talk to him."

Without saying anything else he walks out of the room, but I'm not planning to stay here and wait until everything gets solved.

I follow them out of the room and end up in a massive white hall, where I get stopped again as God and the other man turn around.

"I hope you know you are being incredibly unsafe right now?", God sighs.

I roll my eyes. "Unsafe has been my life for the past couple weeks. Just let me come, I'm sure it'll help."

"Are you sure, Patrick?", he asks. "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Oh yes", I say with a grim smile on my face. "I'd love to see him again and tell that sucker what exactly I thought of him all that time he was in my head."

"Then I think we have no choice", God concludes. "Let's go."

He walks towards a trapdoor in the ground and says a sentence in a language I don't understand, but what I assume is Latin.

The trapdoor opens and a bright light shines out of it and straight into my eyes.

"Are you ready, Patrick?", God asks.

"I don't think I've ever been more ready."

Then I step into the white void, knowing that I will be standing face to face with both my worst fear and enemy soon. But just this once, I don't care.

Just this once, I feel no fear.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the reads! I gained like 660 in a month! And I'm sorry for not updating for so long but I was really busy and I'm having a terrible case of writers block but I hope that goes away soon.

Oh and please tell me if I should actually publish my Loki fanfic because I've got like 5 chapters already and I really don't know if I should actually publish it.


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