She had laughed at that one.

Despite the small notes he wrote her, they never shared an actual conversation, nor did they ever attempt to. It was an unsaid thing that their "relationship" was merely through these messages on her coffee cup. Every once in a while, she would buy him a cup of coffee and would write something like 'thank you for always cheering me up,' 'to my favorite barista,' or 'smile for once! ^_^'

Eight months of this back and forth with notes but they never interacted outside of it. Levi did not particularly care and he hardly ever thought about her outside his workplace. Still, as stone cold as he appeared, he quite liked the strange relationship that he had with (F/n).

Today was the first day since he met her where she did not come in with her usual glowing smile. In fact, something about (f/n) was off. When Levi saw her approach the counter, he immediately noticed the lack of vibrancy in her eyes and dark circles beneath them. She looked as though she had not slept in days. Even her attire looked thrown together and lazy in comparison to how she normally dressed.

Levi hesitated. "Go take a seat," he said. Her eyes were glazed over, as if she were not present for the conversation. "This one's on me today."

(F/n) didn't meet his gaze but nodded feebly. "Thanks, Levi."

She left the counter and Levi went to write on her to-go cup. He hesitated, wondering what would be bothering her this much. She looked both lifeless and drained; she hadn't even taken out her books yet. With a sigh, he wrote 'be strong.'

His co-worker, Eren, raised an eyebrow, always having been interested in the messages Levi wrote to their regular customer. Eren turned his gaze to (F/n) in the corner; she was staring out into the expanse before her unblinkingly.

"Something happen?" Eren asked, preparing the drink. "She looks...sad."

Levi grunted in response, already moving on to the next customer. Despite fulfilling his job duties, he glanced over at the young woman who had just read the message on her cup. From this angle, he could only see her profile but he was almost positive she was fighting back tears.

After the line had diminished ten minutes later, Levi turned to Eren who was finishing up the last of the drinks. "I'm going to take a ten."

"Wait what?" asked Eren in surprise; Levi never took his ten minute break, not in the entire year he had been working at the coffee shop. After a second, Eren realized the motivation behind the change in behavior.

Levi didn't give him time to protest and already was moving around the bar. Without so much as asking, he sat himself down in front of his regular customer. Her eyes had widened, taken aback as much as Eren was.

"Hi," said Levi flatly. "I've made your damn caramel macchiato with extra caramel drip for the last eight months but never had the chance to formally meet you."

(F/n) blinked, at a loss for words for a moment. "...that's true," she replied quietly, attempting to smile. "Even though we know each other's names already.... Hi."

The barista allowed himself to smile very slightly, further catching her off guard. It was very rare to see him do so, much less so closely.

"I guess it's none of my business and I've only got ten minutes to talk but," he paused, "what's wrong?"

Again, she just stared at him before speaking. "N-nothing's wrong," lied (F/n). "I'm just tired today."

Levi shook his head before giving her a stern gaze. "I'd like to think of you as a friend, or whatever, so no need for the front. Just tell me."

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