Plans change

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Simmons rushes to get the others. I start to panic, for show of course. "Get ready! Tucker finish the mission, we'll hold them off" he shouts. I get behind them and start to go over the plan. Simmons starts to panic. Let's do this, we can can do this they're morons, remember.
"Well well, isn't this a show" Felix says. He comes out from the shadows with Locus behind him, who's no longer invisible. Tucker turns to run for the computer, but I block his path. "What are you doing? Lyra we need to finish the plan" He yells
"Sorry Tucker, I can't let you do that" I state. I take the butt of my gun and smash it into Tucker's head. He's knocked out cold. One down, several more to go. The Reds and Blues back away from me. They finally see who I became while I was "lost."
"Lyra" Caboose cries. I look down for a moment then look back up at Felix. I won't let them get in my way to finish the mission. Plans change.
"I told you Wash" Carolina says. I look slightly to the left and see both Freelancers there.
I sigh and reply "what a shame your team didn't believe you, which one worst the team who lied to you or the team who didn't listen?" She growls and charges forward. Carolina knocks me off balance. Once I regain balance, I duck to miss the first swing. Then I punch her, she kicks me in the gut. I stumble backwards, I take out my knife. I advance forward and swing the blade, trying to catch her in the neck. She tries to punch me in the face but I block it. I swing my knife again and it grazes her arm. She growls again. I try to do it again but she catches my arm and takes the knife. "Bitch" I growl at her. She swings the blade as I try to move her closer to the edge of the temple. I kick her hand away before the blade makes contact. I move back a few and take out my gun. I hear a groan and turn back a split second. Tucker stands up and rubs his head. I turn back around and Carolina stands there in somewhat of position. Her stances is wider and her arm swings down. Her hand doesn't hold the knife anymore. I look down at my stomach and seen the knife sticking out. I drop the gun and with one hand I touch my stomach. I pull away my hand and study it, blood all over my hand. My knees buckle and I fall to the ground. The blood starts to pool around me. The world starts to fade as I fall into the darkness.

Lyra QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now