Switching sides

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Lyra pov
What the hell just happen? I refuse to believe that Felix is friend with enemy. I shouldn't have put down my guard because of Felix. Never will I do that again, it was stupid and unprofessional. I look around to see that I'm in a cell  with barely any light. I feel like I should be resisting, but what could I do! I hear multiple footsteps gradually come closer to my cell. I wait and listen to my heart thumping loudly. For once I'm finally willing to admit I'm scared, and that's what made me human. Nobody really thought I was human before because of the no interactions, no talking, and a complete badass at combat. Once the footsteps stop in front of my cell, I look up to see Felix and Locus. Locus mutters one last bit to Felix and then walks away. Leaving me and Felix alone. Felix just stares at me like I'm a caged animal. I want to kill him so badly. This urge is powerful enough to just simply take over. I carefully watch Felix walk over to the cell door and open it. I look down and hear the gentle click of the door shutting. Is this what love does to you,  just makes you crazy. He just stands there and stares. I don't even think he even cares. "Lyra it was never meant to be this way" he starts off with. Did he truly expect me to believe or consider his apology?
"Leave you filthy swine just leave" I demand in a cold vile tone.
"Don't be Ungrateful, would you have rather die? Lyra I'm doing you a favor by saving you!"  Felix insists. In so much disbelief right now, how could he think saving me by kidnap was "saving"
"Ungrateful?!?! You motherfucker! You're the enemy and how I dare to believe that such a person as you can ever care!" I holler back. My face feels like it is on fire. My fists are clench, but I don't  dare to leap off the bed to strangle his stupid ass.
"Lyra" he says softly and looks down to only look back up again. Felix takes off his helmet and tosses it aside. "It may look bad but it's what I do. Please don't take it as I don't care" Felix continues to insist. I shake my head and start to chuckle.
"You're a con-artist, you know that. You fooled Kim and everybody else Into thinking  that you were going to be at their side. You fooled me." I mumble. I lay flat on the bed and turn to face the wall. I'm officially done with having friends and crushes. As tears spill from my eyes. I try to muffle the sobs, and Felix takes his chances and comes closer. "Lyra baby" Felix whispers. I didn't stop to say anything, all I want is to be left alone to cry. I feel a shift from my helmet and as I went to reach for it. My helmet was suddenly gone from my head, Felix removed it. I hide my face in the pillow. But then I felt a gentle touch at the hip of my armor. I try to shove his hand away, but it doesn't work. "Lyra" he says softly. Even though I was mad at him, I want to curl up in his arms. With that very thought it took over and made a decision all on its own. I sit up and crawl over to Felix. Then I sit in his lap and continue to cry on his shoulder. At first he didn't touch me, it seems to be he was in shock. Then he wraps his arms around me and cradles me. I feel his head place on mine. I pull away from his shoulder as he stops cradling me, so he can look down at me. I feel the tears surge down my face. My lip trembles, "Felix" I croak out. I continue to look up at him. With a movement of his hand, he uses his thumb to wipe away the tears. "I...I forgive" I cry out as fresh new tears rush down my face. I go back to crying on his shoulder while clinging on tight to him. I didn't want to throw my friendship away or what seems to be a new beginning of a different relationship. Felix just had a way with words that makes me melt. I don't have to have the tough girl act with him. For the first time in forever I actually had someone to lean on, not the other way around.
"Shhhh baby girl I promise to never hurt you again" Felix coos. My breathing stifles as I nod my head. That very moment I seal my fate to the dark side.
  After a while sitting/crying in silence Felix slowly helps me get out of armor and into something comfy. Then slowly lays me on the bed. I hear some shuffling, but then he joins me in bed. As I stare at him, I notice his  hair is messy and the scar over his left eye. I advance my hand towards his scar. Felix shutters at the touch of my finger tips. I pull away for a second but then I touch it again. Finally after examining his scar, I tuck my hand back into the blacker to keep warm. I close my eyes, but then only to feel soft warm lips press against the left one. As he pulls away, I open my eyes in shock. I feel a burning sensation in my cheeks. "I wasn't done" He states. I shake my head and close my eyes again. I feel his lips again, but only on the right eye this time. "You have the most beautiful eyes in the galaxy" Felix says as I open my eyes. Felix moves to lay on his back. Once he is finish, I lay my head on his chest along with my leg slung over his torso and my hand on his upper chest area. I listen to the beat of his heart. I feel my eyelids getting heavy. Then soon falling fast asleep as Felix plants a kiss on my forehead.

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