Someone New

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My message to you on the last paper was for you to vote in three options. 1&2 got the most votes so that's what I'll be doing. Remember don't be silent.

I continue to run for a really long time. Until I find myself running towards the place where I last ran to. Once I make it there, I stop running and plop myself down to the ground. I lay on the ground and look up at the sky. Where will I go? Who do I turn to? Those thoughts float in my mind and many more. Felix just can't fix this one and he can't make it up either. Damn, if I just watched my back, I would have won. Felix had never loved me, he will never love me, and he doesn't love me now. I'm complete idiot for thinking that he did. How fucking stupid am I? I shouldn't have followed Felix that night. I deeply fucking  regret everything that has to do with Felix. I want to take back all the tears, words, emotions, cuddles, kisses, sleep overs, flirting, and love. I feel more tears streaming down my face. I could only imagine what I look like. A sob story is what it looks like. Where do I go from here? I couldn't grasp the idea of going back all vulnerable. I need someone to turn to. Hmmmmmm..... I think I know who, but I won't know until the very moment.
I sneak back to base later at night, so nobody could my face since Felix threw my helmet who knows where. I crouch down as guards pass in the upcoming hallway. Once they pass I softly jog to the opposite direction they're walking to (which is right). I make few more lefts and rights until I got to my final destination. I fix my hair and wipe any strands of tears. I look around and then knock. Nothing, great. I knock again but still no answer. Come on. I go to knock once more, but before I do the doors opens. "Lyra" he says softly. I look down and back up again to only see worry on his face deepens.
"Locus" I whisper. Locus pulls me in and shuts the door. I stand in the middle of his room. All neat and organized just the way I imagine it. He motions me to sit, so I do. He sits next to me and stares at the floor. .
"Felix was just being a sol...." He says before I interrupt him.
"I swear to fucking god you say soldier and I'll lose my shit. Locus that wasn't an act of a soldier, it was an act of revenge" I shout. Locus doesn't say anything. They way his face looks, he's in shock.(Just to be clear he isn't wearing a helmet.)  I feel tears pouring out of my eyes. What wrong with me? Why can't I stop crying?
"Lyra I'm sorry" he apologies. I hear tap as our armor hits each other. Locus pulls me close to hugs me tightly. I scoot closer so It wasn't to awkward. After a few minutes I pull away, but Locus still has his hands on me. Why is he being so nice to me because before he said I temporary. Maybe he actually feels bad.
I still feel tears streaming down my face. He brings up a hand and cups my face. With his thumb he wipes away the tears. Again I pull away and chuckle softly. " I must look like a hot mess" I mutter. Locus pulls me closer again, but only this time we kind of are cuddling. Is that even a proper term for it? He was leaning against the wall with his legs out. I sat on the middles with my head in his neck, and I'm curl up close to his chest. How fucking cute. I feel like a damn child. I should go, but then again where? I belong nowhere, I guess. I start to get really tired and yawn. Locus's head shifts and he moves me to the edge of the bed. I can't see what he was doing but he was doing something. He comes back completely out of amor and into just sweats. He gets down on one knee and starts to help me out of my armor. Once I was out of my armor, I try to stand but I need support. So I put my hand of his bare chest. Honest to god I try not stare at his chest, but  I can't make promises. I yawn as Locus hands me a t-shirt. I start to strip and I guess I completely forgot he's still here. As I do he turns away. I smile to myself, how respectful. I throw my skin suit into the corner and crawl into bed. I curl up but only to feel his arm wrap around me. He pulls me close and buries his head in my neck. That was the last thing I remember before falling fast asleep with a gut feeling of doing something wrong.
I slowly wake up with having Locus's face three inches in front of me. I see Locus is still in bed fully awake. "Stop fucking staring" I moan in agony. To be honest it is to early for this shit.
"Why would I do that?" He ask in mockery.
"You're suppose to be bossing people around and being the "perfect soldier" and being mysterious" I say with actually making the quotation marks along with my statement.
He chuckles and replies " I couldn't you were crying and whimpering in your sleep" he states and becomes more serious. I sigh and roll away from him. He pulls me close and nudges me with his face. I shake my head no, so he does it again. I shake my head no and start to trace his arm with my finger. It's not like I don't trust his, but it's not his burden to carry. Including the fact that I completely had a sleepover with Felix's friend while still in a relationship, but I push that thought aside because me and Felix are on pause. 
I'm tired as fuck and  I just want to eat food. I turn to face Locus with a innocent face and big puppy eyes. "Locus" I whisper.
"Yes?" He ask.
"You know what would make my day... Pancakes" I state. He scoffs and looks at me.
"Someone can't make them for herself" he ask implying me. I shrug and a huge smiles starts to crawl in my face. I look up and bat my eyes.
"Pretty please will you make me pancakes" I whisper in a sexy way. Locus chuckles and gets up. Yay!

I hoping this is a good chapter. Sorry for a really late update. I had a dead line set up until the word exam. Been studying for that lately so my apologies. Please tell me what you think and if I should change the direction. In the next chapter.

Lyra QuinnHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin