The Mission

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This is going to work, I have complete faith that this is going to work. In the mission all I have to do is distract Felix and Locus while they send out a message. I can do this. Just have to do the opposite. I know they thought they can trust me and it's going to suck when they came so close, but not close enough.
   I stand only 200 yards away from the temple. I can see only Felix, most likely Locus is invisible. "Well well, what do we have here?" Felix says.
"Felix, I need..." I start.
"You Traitor" He interrupts. Shit.
"You don't understand, I can explain"
"Come on, you're helping them, why else are you standing to guard"
"Because I'm waiting for you to get here, so we can finish the mission"
"Don't lie Lyra. They promise you no jail time, didn't they"
"Felix please, I don't fucking need a get out of jail free card, I need you"
"If we don't leave now, they'll send the message"
"Damn." He continues to walk and pushes me out of the way. I catch up with him and he pushes me to the ground.
"Stop that"
"Lyra when this is over, I'll find you, now leave"
"No I'm in this too"
"And I'm saying I can't baby sit you when I'm fighting" I stop right in front of him and rip off my helmet. I give him a serious look. He bends down and grabs my helmet. He rubs off the dirt and hands me it. I'm not a fucking child, I can fight and win a damn battle too. Why can't he understand that.
"Felix please, I can fight for myself"
"What if you get hurt and I can't come and save you, what happens then? I lose you." He takes off his helmet. Sorrow fills his eyes, I place my hand on his cheek. He leans down and kisses me. Then rest his forehead against mine.
"I Promise to be safe, these are moron we are talking about." I wish I didn't have to lie, but he would of never let me go. These people are idiots, but they get job done some how. I guess I'll have to try harder and keep my eyes open.
I close my eyes for a split second, hoping for some relief or comfort. I jog into the temple. Simmons turns around and asks "What are you doing here?"
"They're using the camouflage" I state.
"Shit!!!!" he yells.
Sorry for the different writing style, I've been typing on my lap top more. Lately I've been reading the comments on my first fanfic call Sarge's Daughter, It brings brings joy to me to see people are enjoying that.

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