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I don't know how long I have been out here for. And I honestly don't care. I don't care if people are worrying about me or if Felix sent out a search party. This is where I will make my final choice. My heart sinks at  the thought of leaving Felix. I sit up and look around and see it is dark out. A twig snaps and I twist around to see what it was. I see a silhouette. I stand up to defend myself. "Come on out bitch, I don't have time to fuck around" I state. The figure comes out and the moon shines on it. Felix, great.
"Wow, someone lost their patience" He says. I shake my head with disbelief. How can he just do that? He ignored me the whole entire day and now blows it off! I push him aside and walk back to base.
I walk down the corridor then turn to another corridor. I not directly walking towards my room, but in a way I am. And I mean my room, I mean the cell. I was fucking kidnap, then decided to switch sides and haven't gotten a real ass room. They had all day to address this matter, and why wasn't I put into Felix's room if they knew about me. Anyways, I suppose I can go train since I skipped half of it.
I throw knife after knife. My arm throbs and I want fucking coffee or  any caffeine drink at least. I'm tired as hell. I don't really expect anyone to randomly bring me something to drink because everyone asleep, but not the guards for the night shift. And nobody patrols the training room since it's not our prize possession. I hear footsteps but don't  pay attention to the direction they're going to. I look over my shoulder to see Locus.. Damn he's an official creep. I look at him with a hand on my hip. "It's not polite to sneak up on a lady, you know" I say childishly.
"I wouldn't say lady, more like a soldier. Seeing you came back after hours of disappointment. Was I right?  Did it hurt?" Locus interrogates. I shake my head while I fight back the tears. I'm not going to cry, no more crying. You are not a baby any more I think.
"I don't need your shit and Felix's. All he's done is be a horrible person like you" I shout. He takes his time to reply. I don't think it hit him. Maybe just shock? I don't honestly fucking care.
"Horrible person? I'm a soldier" locus states.
"No you're a fucking monster and I hope you rot in hell" I spit. That hit him. I grab my knife and walk to my hell hole (aka cell).
I wake up and look around. I see that I'm no longer in the cell, but in an actual room. It's weird though because it only had one bed. Usually there is two so soldiers, can pair up to save space. I start to have a panic attack. I'M IN A FUCKING RANDOM ROOM! Was I raped? Did I get sexual harassed? Did someone take my first class assault knife? Bitch, I'll will fuck someone up if they took that. My armor was still on but my helmet wasn't. Did they see my ugly ass eyes? I know who did it. That fucking creep of a Locus. I try to move but my damn arm hurt like hell. "Fuck" I moan in a painful way. I lay stretch out on the bed. Fucking creepo's room is messy. This couldn't possibly be Locus's room, his personality doesn't allow him to be messy. He's neat and organized. Well, there goes my suspicion towards creepo. Damn. This is Felix's room. I need to get out because I'm still fucking angry about the woods scene. I got up painfully and look around for my helmet. I find it on the clutter desk. I turn around to head straight out the door, but Felix is standing in my way. Fuck. "Move I don't need this right now" I demand. He takes off his helmet and tosses it on the bed. Then shakes his head no. I obliviously don't like that answer. "Felix seriously move out of my damn way before I make you" I push further.
"Lyra, baby, can you just stay? And fucking explain what you were doing out there!" Felix barks. I jump. I'm not afraid of Felix, it's the nightmare of Felix. In my nightmare Felix is the monster, my nightmare has officially come to life.
"It's not your burden" I state with a tad bit of an attitude. I keep my head held high because I won't let him win this one. He grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me. What is he trying to do shake the answer out me? Hell no. I push him back. He comes back at me and I know this is going to hurt since my arm. He tries to grab me by the arm but I swat his hand away. Can't he just give it a rest? I just want to fucking leave. He grabs my waist and pulls me close. I knee him in the crotch. While he is bent over, I punch him in the face. I walk out, leaving Felix knock out cold.
I walk out of the health care clinic with a bottle of painkillers. I lift my helmet a tad and pour three pill down my throat. I swallow and slide my helmet back down. As I walk to the training room, I start to think about Felix. Is he okay? I did hit him pretty damn hard. It doesn't matter he knew what he had coming. I walk in to only see Felix and Locus there for the first time in forever. They were giving training drill demonstration. Hand to hand combat, Great. I walk over to the group of soldiers and start to watch. When they were done Felix takes off his helmet. And what I see is a huge ass fucking bruise on the side oh his face. Damn, I guess I underestimate myself. "Step right up folks and give it try. How about you sir?"Felix asks. Nobody comes forward, they just stare at him. A grin grows wide on Felix's face. "Thank you to lady in the back! Come on don't be shy Lyra" Felix says. Shit. I move my way up to the front. I look down to only look up again to see Felix putting his helmet on. I move away from the crowd and got into to a stance. "Ready?" Felix ask. I nod. We start to move in a circle. My heart beats faster while waiting for him to strike. Felix moves forward to punch me in the side. I dodge the hit and do an uppercut. He stumbles backward and looks up. He growls and I chuckle softly. He moves forward again, but this time to keep me off balance. He tries to slide his leg underneath me, but I just stumble, not actually falling on my ass. I go to kick him in the chest but he catches my foot. Felix pushes me which causes me to be laying on the ground. I get back to up and punch him in the throat. He starts to make some sort of dying sheep noise. I laugh and he growls back. Out the corner of my eye I see Locus watching closely. I wasn't even fighting as well as I usually do. Felix moves closer and punches me in the gut and tries to do it again. I catch his arm and fling him over. I hear him groan. As I walk away something catches my foot which sends me to the ground. Felix is up on his feet dragging me over to him. He turns me over to face him and grabs my chest plate with one hand and pulls me close. With his free hand he rips off my helmet and throws it somewhere. Then he turns me to the crowd and shoves me forward. All I can see is shock on their faces including Locus. I feel tears running down my face. I turn around and see Felix who had a huge ass grin on his face. "Next time watch yourself" He warns. That was the last thing I heard because I took off running.

Heyy readers what do you think? Damn Felix is a monster but I have some big plans for him in the future. Sorry if I took long to update I got some many writers blocks lately. Also don't be silent tell me things!!!!

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