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I know some of you might not like the last chapter and how it ended, but that was the original plan. It's getting harder to worth this story. I hope I still catch your attention. I this chapter will be ending in the next few chapters. I don't how many but soon. I procrastinate more than I should. To give you example is that I've been procrastinating this chapter.

I thought I had myself all figure out. I've been training for the past three days. I've only sleep like eight hours in the last three days as well. I didn't plan this. I throw another knife carelessly. Bullseye every time. I can't remember who I use to be. She died some time ago, but I can somewhat remember her. She was alone and independent, she certainly didn't need someone to count on either.I put my knife back in its holster, and start to walk out of base. Heading some place I know not where.
I walk even farther in the woods. Maybe I'll get mauled by some sort of animal or alien out here. Farther and farther I go,I start to hear shouting with multiple voices. I find myself crouching in the brush. I look down into the valley and see Caboose, Tucker, Simon, Sarge, Grif, and some new people. They're bickering over some sort of plan to unite the two sides of the war. I feel the ground shift underneath me. "Son of a bitch" I say softly. As I slip on the wet dirt. I see all of faces turn to my direction. What do I? Hell how do I get out of this? Some person with the same color armor as Tucker, cautiously walks over and hovers over me, then pulls me up from the ground.. He or she has a tight grip around my wrist. I struggle to get free, but it was no use. "Who are you?" The stranger ask.
"I..i...i...I'm" I stutter out and was interrupted by Simons.
"It's Lyra!" He states "Where have you been?"
"I..I..I..I.. got lost" I say.
"Wash take her" the stranger demands, but for the most part the stranger was a girl. This guy, Wash, pulls me over and cuffs me behind my back. I sit down away from the large group. Well fuck, I can't do anything right now. I'll have to wait. I hear them bickering again, but only this time it's about me. I pout slightly until a very special person comes, Caboose. "OMG! It's LYRA!!!" Caboose shouts. I don't know if I'm overly fond of seeing Caboose.
"Hey there" I say trying to be cheerful. I will kill each and every one of these morons if they make me Caboose's babysitter. I look up at Caboose who's having a great time with his force friend over here.
The group huddle is over and they come marching towards me. Lovely. I know someone out of this bunch who might actually be smart, call bullshit on my lost story. Mostly likely the new members. I look around at all of them.
"I think you're lying" The lady spits out.
"I sense you're quite a bitch" I spit back. She takes a step towards me, but is stop by some dude in the red armor.
"Just explain how you got lost" Wash asks.
"I went for a walk during the night, overheard some people talking, followed them until I couldn't pick up their tracks anymore" I lie.
"Who?" The lady demands.
"I don't know some random people, okay?" I reply.
"You're lying" she yells. She takes a step towards me and grabs me by my chest plate. Then brings back her free hand, ready to punch me.
"Carolina that's not a good idea. Lyra is a badass, she flipped Felix over during our lunch break" Tucker interrupts. Carolina shoves me to the ground and walks away. "Bitch" I mutter. I lay on my back waiting for a moron to adjust me. Tucker helps me sit up and backs away when he finishes.
"Where is Felix? Didn't you have a thing for him" Simons ask.
"No I had thing for Tucker but  flirted with Felix" I say sarcastically.
"You know that train still hasn't left the station" Tucker sexually suggests.
"Yes it has" I state. Wash chuckles while Tucker gives him a glare.
"Lyra you know you want it" Tucker says. I scoff and shiver in disgust. Tucker, ewwwwwww, Him and Palmomo are those weird ass perverts.
"So Lyra, can you tell us why you didn't go back?" Wash interrogates.
"Listen hear stranger, I went for a walk, over heard some people, and got lost trying to find them" I say. He nods and tries to take it in all at once. I can't tell if he actually buying it, obviously I don't know since he's wearing a helmet, but you know.
"Come on Wash, we know her, she's a friend" Simons reassures. I mean are we actually friends? If it helps him sleep at night then so be it.
"Fine but if you make a wrong move. It's the end of the line for you" Wash warns. I nod as Simons comes over and un-cuffs me. This will be awhile before I can leave.

Lyra QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now