Life 2 - Chapter 8

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Tomorrow is the day.

The day Jess dies.

I just couldn't stand to be around her because I would start tearing up.  She's so calm.  She doesn't deserve death.  Not like that.

I also stayed away from Ty.  Both Mitch and I knew why that was, but Ty didn't...I think.  I didn't know when he had planned to kill Jess, though he did say he was gonna kill if someone didn't at the end of the trial.

"DING, DONG, BOYO!  It is now 10 PM!  Sleep tight, players...."

I glanced at Mitch and smirked.  The plan begins now.

Mitch went with the others to their rooms to do what he needed to do.

I would go help Ian bake his cake.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Ian's back to me, his arms moving fast.  He must have been stirring.  I heard the familiar buzz that signified that the lights were shutting off.

I fast-walked over to the fridge and opened it as the lights went out.  Ian froze and turned towards me.  I could sense his fear.  "J-Jerome...what a-are you doing?"

I hold my hands up.  "Woah, calm down, buddy!  I'm not gonna murder you!  I just noticed you came in here and I wanted to see what you were doing.  I saw you stirring and figured you were making a cake, so I wanted to help you."  I explained.

Ian visibly relaxed.  "Oh.  Ok.  Thanks, Jerome."

I smirked.  "No problem."

Over the next hour and a half, I went around the kitchen to grab ingredients when Ian needed them.  At about 12:25, the oven beeped, signifying that the cake was done.  Ian took it from the oven and sat it down in THAT spot while I took a small knife and placed it next to the cake.  "Phew!  Glad that's done.  I hope they'll like the cake...."  Ian murmured.  I nodded as I closed the fridge, engulfing the kitchen in darkness.  Luckily, we had been able to adjust our eyes to the darkness beforehand.

When we got to my door, I prayed silently that Mitch had been able to do what he needed.  I gripped the doorknob and turned.


I celebrated internally as I turned to Ian, frowning.  (Though he most likely couldn't see it)

"My...door is locked!  What the butt!"  I exclaimed quietly.

I turned to Ian.  "Umm...can I stay in your room tonight?"

I could sense Ian's fear and tension.  "Bro, if I was gonna kill you, I would've done it already."  I explained.

Ian let out a breath of relief.  "Yeah.  You can, Jerome."

"Thanks, G."

We walked over to his room and he opened the door.  It looked exactly like my room.

"I can take the floor, don't worry."  I assured Ian.

"Mk, dood.  Sleep tight."  He murmured, locking the door and lying in bed.

"Yeah, Ian.  You too."  I muttered.

I sat down against the wall facing the drawer with Ian's billions of pairs of glasses in them.  I stayed there and pretended to be asleep.

Ian's snores filled the room just a few minutes after I sat down.  I smirked but stayed quiet.

About an hour later, I heard Ian's door open.  I knew he had locked it before!

I kept my head down but my eyes up as the intruder came in the room.  It was Ty.  I knew it was.  I saw his headphones and I already knew for a fact that it wasn't Felix.

He walked passed me and opened Ian's drawer, carefully popping out a lens and closing the drawer, swiftly making his escape.

I couldn't sleep after that.  I just watched the time like a hawk until about 5 AM.  At that point, I stood up and stretched, yawning quietly.  I unlocked Ian's door and opened it, closing it quietly behind me.

I swiftly ran over to Mitch's door and knocked quickly.

Mitch's response was almost immediate.

He opened the door and asked, "Did it work?"

I smirked and replied, "Yep."

We both ran towards the kitchen.

"I DID NOT like having to sit in my room knowing that Jess was gonna get murdered."  Mitch mumbled.

"Pfffft.  YOU weren't the one to have the murderer stand 2 feet away in action.  He popped out the lens and left."

"I thought Ian's door was locked."

"IT WAS.  I didn't hear any lock picking, so I seriously don't know how he got in."

We got to the kitchen.  I opened the fridge and was greeted with the same gruesome sight.  I don't even want to describe it.

"We'd better start looking for some clues to convict Ty.  You're Ian's alibi, so we know he'll be safe.  We can't just outright accuse Ty because then they'll accuse us."

I nodded and began looking around Jess.

The knife was in the exact same point as before.  Blood was still pooling around her neck and her hands were by her throat.  Wait....

You don't have your hands by your throat if someone stabbed you in the throat.  You'd have your hands by your throat if they were...choking you!

I got down next to Jess's neck and held my breath, looking closer at her neck.  THERE!

Handprints.  Not quite clear at all.  You'd have to be searching for them in particular to even notice it.

"Mitch!  Look!"  I whisper-yelled.

"What is it, biggums?  You find something?"

"Yeah, look!  There are handprints on the sides of her neck.  Very faint.  You'd have to be looking for them to even see them."

" Ty choked her to death.  That...almost seems worse...."  He trailed off.

"Anyways, Jerome, did you see her hands?"

"Yeah.  They're by her throat."

"No.  Closer.  Look!"

He picked up her hand and moved it more into the fridge light.  Something glinted in the light.

I pulled it off her hand and walked towards the light.  The color of this weird green!  Just like Ty's headphones!

"Mitch!  This might be efficient enough to convict Ty!"


The lights buzzed on.  6 AM.

We looked at each other before running towards the dorm hall.  I pocketed the shard.  I didn't need to show them it until the trial.  Otherwise, they'll get suspicious of ME.

As Mitch told them of Jess, I looked over Ty.  He still looked a bit crazy, but he hid his wrongdoing very well.  If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was shocked like everyone else.

As the other 13 people ran off, Mitch came over to me and hugged me.

"Biggums...if we make it through this trial, we'll be back in the blind."

"Mitch...we'll do this.  If one of us is truly the mastermind, we'll find them out.  We retained our memories.  We can do it, bud."

I flinched as the body announcement rang through the place.

"I hope so, Jerome.  I hope so...."

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