Life 1 - Chapter 3

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A few days passed.

The tension never ceased to exist, but it never rose, either.

Friendships started to show quite clearly.

Ian and Crainer.

Sky and Jin.  (Sorry Skylox fans.  No Skylox for you.  :P)

Me and Mitch.

Mark and Felix.

Barney, Jess, and Ross were hanging out a bit together.

Sub is very quiet, obviously.  He tends to use quite a bit of the notepad to draw.  THEY LOOK AWESOME. creepy.  He keeps watching everyone talk with a grin on his face.  Almost like...he's done this before.  I knew for a fact he wasn't the mastermind.  Don't ask.  I just have that gut feeling.  I'm gonna stay away from him, though, just in case.

Quentin would usually hang around in the glass room, staring into the wilderness for hours.  I usually had to go get him for meals.  Afterwards, he would head straight back to the room.

Seto spent a lot of his time in the Enchantment Room.  We never really bothered him except for meals.

Nick...was just Nick.  He didn't really have a set pattern in his ways.  One moment he's in the glass room with Quentin, the next in the game room playing Legend of Zelda:  Twilight Princess.  Whatever THAT was.

MonoKirby would pop up from time to time to "check" on us.  Honestly, I think he was kinda mad that no one was killing anyone else.  He seriously thinks we're gonna actually kill each other.

I sighed heavily and walked into the kitchen for my daily breakfast of fish.  After I grabbed about 4, I headed into the Grand Hall.  Everyone else was already eating.  I sat by Mitch and picked at my fish.  I had a terrible feeling about today....

"Hey, Biggums, you OK?"  Mitch asked, sounding concerned.

I put my face in my paws.  "No...I have a terrible feeling about today.  Baccas' instincts are not to be ignored."

"Right you are, Jerome.  BOYO!"

MonoKirby appeared right in front of me.

I yelled and scooted really far from the table.  A couple people chuckled, but a quick glare from the others shut them up.

I growled angrily, my fur bristling.  "Don't.  Do.  That."

MonoKirby just smirked.  "I do what I want (CUZ A PIRATE IS FREE.  HE IS A PIRATE!  Sorry, I had to.  xD).  Anyways, you all are boring, boyo!  So, the mastermind said that it's time for the motivations!"

He spun in a circle and little pieces of paper floated down in front of each person.  "These are some pretty bad secrets about yourself, boyo!  If no one has killed in 1 week, all secrets shall be revealed, boyo!"

I arched my eyebrow and opened mine.

'Jerome was a seeker in Hide N' Seek, and he was killed by a bunch of anvils.'

Umm...what?  Isn't death, like, final?  The flip does this mean?

I sighed and shoved the paper into my pocket.  This secret isn't worth killing for.

I glanced around at some people, and my Lord their reactions were hella different than mine.

Most looked shocked, some were quivering, some had tears coming down their face.

I glared at MonoKirby.  "The frick is wrong with you?!"  I growled.

"HEHEHEHEHE!!  Nothing is wrong with me, boyo!  I'm just the messenger.  Don't shoot the messenger, boyo!"  He laughed crazily before spinning in a circle and disappearing in a little puff of smoke.

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...FAILURE?!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora