Life 1 - Chapter 2

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Outside the Grand Hall's doors were 3 hallways. I had come from the one to the left, meaning that's where all the rooms were at.

1 group stayed behind to check out the kitchen.  The other 2 groups had already gone through the left and front hallway, so we went to the right.

It didn't look much different from the hallway with the rooms, except this one didn't have 16 doors.

We walked down it for a minute until we reached a dead end. Well, a sorta dead end.  There was only a single door in the entire hallway, and it was at the very end of it.

Seto, who had been leading the way, stopped about a foot from the door.  The red creeper symbol on his back began glowing slightly.  I heard his breath catch in his throat. "There's...something magical here.  I can feel the power emitting from the room."

The door was purple, the same shade as Seto's cloak thingie.  The doorknob was golden and glistening slightly in the dim light.

Seto walked forward and opened the door.  It swung inwards to reveal the one thing I hate almost as much as cooked fish. BOOKS. BOOKS EVERYWHERE.

I groaned and followed everyone else in.  Mitch was also groaning as we walked in.  I guess he didn't like to read, either.  Jess, on the other hand, looked like she could barely contain herself.

In the center of the room was an obsidian slab covered with a red cloth.  The cloth seemed to be bolted in place with diamond-colored corners.  A closed, yellow book was floating slightly above the center of it.

Seto gasped and ran forward to the book.  When he was a couple blocks away, the book opened.  Jess had ran off somewhere in the room.  Probably to read something.

Weird symbols flew out of the book and began orbiting Seto.  I walked forward almost involuntarily. Something was drawing me to the book.

Seto glanced at me warily as I approached the book.  I couldn't read the symbols at all.  "What language is this?" I pondered.

"Standard Galactic. A cryptic language that few can read."  Seto explained.

I frowned, wondering what they were saying.  Suddenly, 5 symbols floated in front of me and began shifting.

T. H. R. E. E.

The letters faded away, leaving me in wonder and shock.

Three? Three what?

Seto tapped my shoulder, bringing me from my thoughts. "I think you three should head back now. I'm gonna stick around to see if I can find anything out."

I looked back at Mitch. "Can you go find Jess?"

He nodded and ran off into the bookshelves.

Seto's eyes flashed purple.  "Tell them I'll be along in a few."

I nodded as Mitch came out with Jess. She looked a little sad.  "All these books are in Standard Galactic.  Ugh."  Jess groaned.

Both Mitch and I chuckled slightly.  "Come on, guys.  Seto's gonna stay behind to search for anything useful.  We need to go back to the Grand Hall."  I said.

They nodded, and we left, leaving Seto to search for any information.

When we arrived back in the hall, the other 3 groups were already there, waiting for us.

Sky glanced around, probably counting everyone.  "15.  Where's Seto?"

"He's still in the library room.  He'll be here in a bit."  I responded.

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...FAILURE?!?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat