Life 2 - Chapter 24 - Limbo - Life 3

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I felt my heart slow down and....


Hello, familiar white.

I stood up and looked around.

The cloud swirled in front of me and dissipated, revealing Rayn.

"Hi, Rayn."  I said sullenly.

She sighed.  "This is your final life, Jerome.  Be careful."

I raked my paws through my fur.  "Ok.  Ty to Jess.  Derp....  Do I have to go through that again?"

She turned away.  "Unfortunately, yes.  But, like last time, you'll survive.  Barely."

I let out a guttural groan.  "I really don't want to go through that again, but if it makes it all go away in the end, fine."

I continued.  "Anyways, Ty to Jess, Derp to me but survives, Felix to Nick, Mark to Jin, V-Crainer to me but survives, and Ross to...possibly everyone."

Rayn, who had just been floating around, froze.  "Possibly...everyone?"

I nodded.

"N-NO!  That's not right!  That...."  She trailed off.  "I'll be right back."

She disappeared.

Umm...what freaked her out?  I mean, yeah, Ross probably killing everyone isn't good, but....

Rayn reappeared, looking more calm than before.

"Phew.  That's resolved."

"What's resolved?"

She smiled.  "Don't worry about it.  Now, you have the correct thoughts of what's going on, but...this time, don't go up to Ross, k?"

I scoffed.  "Don't have to tell me twice.  I am NOT going up there again."

"Well, you still need to find it again, though, just don't go up there after your Smash Bros. thing with...Mitch."

I nodded.  "Yeah, got that.  Anything else I should know?"

She thought for a bit.  "Mitch will still remember.  Other than that...nah, just good luck.  I hope you succeed."

I looked down to see the cloud swirling around me again.

"I hope I do, too."

The cloud enveloped me, and the world of white became black.


I shot up swiftly in the bed and looked around.

Ok...back in my room....  Alive....

I sighed and leapt off the bed, quickly walking out the door and to the Grand Hall.

Surprisingly, or not, I was STILL the last one in.

I saw all the dead roaming around....  Ty, Jess, Felix, Mark, Nick, Jin....

I tried not to look at them in fear that they would see the sorrow for their upcoming deaths in my eyes (though they would just see the sorrow) and deem me...the mastermind or something.

Though...I've been getting these...feelings that I know who it is, but...not yet.  I don't want to make random conclusions yet.

I walked up to the group and stood by Mitch, who said nothing.  We just intertwined our hand and paw to where no one could see them.

...Cue MonoKirby...yep.  There he is.

I growled under my breath, but thanks to Mitch, I didn't go bacca-crazy again.

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...FAILURE?!?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora