*Perrie POV*

I followed Leigh-anne and Niall to our Chemistry classroom as we listen to Leigh-Anne ramble about her date with Jordan, her current boyfriend.

"Hey Niall, hey Perrie!" Louis yelled, walking towards us. "Hey Lou, thank you about the other day." I thanked him. Louis was the one who told me about Niall being in the clinic, and he was also the one who saved me with Liam three years ago.

"And thank you again for bringing me to the clinic too."

"It's fine, just helping my team captain." He chuckled which made Niall roll his eyes. "That is Liam's role, I'm just someone who helps him when his not here."

"Close enough."

"Bye then, see ya in practice." Louis said as he turned around to walk away. "Hey, Louis wait!" I yelled. "Yeah?" His head whipped to the back, raising his brow at us.

"You want to come over my place later for a sleepover?" I asked and he hesitated before answering, "Uh I don't want to bother you gu-"

"No, it's cool, the more the merrier." Leigh giggled. "Yeah, take it as a thank you from all of us, and it's a perfect time to catch up on some stuff." Niall said, then smiled. "I'll think about it."

"Great! I'll text you the address later." I said as I gave him my phone to put in his number. "Here." He gave me back my phone. "Thanks! Hopefully we'll see you later yeah? Bye Lou." I asked as the school bell rang, making a horde of students scatter around the halls.


I wanted to cry, we have to practise the song again, which means that we're coming closer to the actual preformance. I know I felt comfortable preforming in front of people, but preforming in front of people who used to torment you in a whole difference story.

I went by the cafeteria to get myself some lunch before going to the music room. But on my way there, I noticed Zayn and the others following me, just casually walking along behind me, no words were spoken between them.

"Where are you guys going?"

"We want to see you practise."

"We want to hear your voice echo out of your mouth and slowly flow in our ears." Leigh-Anne grinned. "That's creepy." Jesy said, smacking her head.

"Where's Jade anyway?"

"I'm right here, sorry I'm late, Mrs. Violet wanted to speak to me about something." She said, popping up from the door. "Okay, let's start." I handed her the lyrics from a song I wrote, lifted the guitar to my lap.

"Did you write this?" Jesy asked while inspecting the paper I put on the table. "Yeah." I responded. I placed another copy in front of me as I tune the instrument on my lap.

"Ready? Do you still remember what I said in practise yesterday?" I asked. "Yeah, let's do it!" Jade cheered and I started playing the song.


Once we finish singing the song, everyone look at us with their eyes opened wide. "Why? Is it bad? I knew I had to change something in the first verse." I quickly skimmed over the lyric, looking for a error.

"No, it was awesome." Niall yelled and almost choked on his sandwich. Zayn handed him a bottle of water and patted his back. "I love it! What's it called?" Jesy asked. "I haven't chosen a name for it yet."

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