AWESOME ENDING!!! *fangirl squeal*

Start from the beginning

"The minions did awesome." I said in approval. Klaus rolled his eyes and opened the tube with his teeth. Show off. I looked up and my eyes widened. 

"Stop!" I yelled. He scowled at me. 

"What is it? Please tell me you're not backing out now." He said, exasperated. I looked at him in disbelief and sighed. I pointed up to the light. He looked at it and shrugged. 

"What about it?" I face palmed. 

"We sit my blood on the light so it slowly drips down, making them go crazy. Whoa, never thought I would say that." I shook my head. Klaus gave me an appraising look. 

"That's actually not a bad idea." 

"Of course not. It's mine. And since you're the giant you put it up." I handed it to him smiling. He rolled his eyes but placed them carefully so only a drip dropped down every ten seconds. 

"Perfect." I clapped happily and stopped after a few moments. "Man, I am sadistic." I grumbled and hurried out of there leaving prints like last time. I heard Klausie sigh in annoyance and grinned in victory.  

"Again?" Rebekah asked with a glass of wine in her hand. I shrugged. 

"My feet loves blood. I can't help it." She scoffed and headed to her room. Oh well. I headed to the Cullen's taking off my shoes slowly. 

"Hey guys! I think it's about time to catch up. First thing's first. How did you find me?" I deadpanned. 


"That's just fantastic." I sighed. "Okay then don't you want to know what I've been up too? Well I am a ninja assassin, I've been called insane though the tests I had disprove that fact, Damon did drop me off at a crazy people's house. I snuck out but kept the jacket as a souvineer though. I have lots of frenemies here which is strange because I only been here for a couple months and hardly socialised. Umm I like lions, wolves are slowly becoming a like item but now he's here. Seriously though, where are your clothes?" I sneered at Jake. He growled at me and inched towards Nessie. I snickered. 

"Whatever. I graduated from school two times already. I like Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Andy Grammer lots of people. Especially Avril Lavigne! If I was a guy I would totally be crushing on her. Oh and I like to think of ways to torture people!" 

"Why doesn't that suprise me?" 

"Maybe because you see the future? Well since you came here anyways. Tell me, can you see what we're planning next?" Her mouth fell open in shock and horror and she started to try and go into a vision. As seconds went by she looked more and more desperate. I smirked and got up for the package of cookies. When I got back I saw Alice sobbing-not-really into Jasper's torso. 

"How?" She cried out. 

"I don't like nosy people so I had a witch specifically make a charm to block you. The great thing is that it covers the whole town!" I grinned and took a bite. I tossed one at the Monster who looked starving. I wasn't THAT heartless yet. She looked at it suspiciously but shoved it in her mouth. 

"Now that's not ladylike." Klaus spoke up from the entryway. I laughed lightly. 

"Well she is my twin, Nikky." He frowned. 

"My name is Klaus. Not Nikky, not Santa, Klaus." He said slowly and clearly. I pouted. 

"But Mr. Mikaelson, I happen to like the nicknames I give you." He glared at me, then turned to our audience. He rubbed his hands together and grinned. 

"You're bedroom awaits. Except for you 'shifter." He said cheerfully and hybrids came out and grabbed them and led them to their grand hotel room. They just seem to pop up all over today. Strange. I shuddered as one of them gave me a crude wink and smirk. It just made him look funny and not in a good way. Now I feel dirty. 

"I think I should go get ready for bed." I said awkwardly and rushed upstairs. After a hard scrub then soak I was both clean and relaxed. My two favorite things! I got dressed in my silver nightie with a golden looking outline that went to my knees and some white slippers. I smiled at my reflection and quickly did a braid. There was a knock at my door. 

"I don't take candy from weirdos." I called out before opening the door. Klaus had his eyebrows raised before looking at me up and down. I snapped my fingers. 

"Hey wolfie! I'm hot, I know but keep your eyes up here." I waved my finger around my face.  

"You need to stop spending time with Kol." He chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him before crossing my arms. 

"So whatcha want?"  

"An update. They haven't even let the liquid pass their lips but the Jasper fellow seems to be quite crazed. But I did happen to see Renesmee take a couple licks of her finger." I laughed. 

"I guess we are related after all." But then I grew somber. "And Rosalie?"  

"She's currently taking a shower in one of the guests room. And she has a hybrid near her at all times." I nodded. 


"No problem." He looked behind me at my clock. It was currently 11:59. Only one more minute left for my birthday. Sadness!!! He looked indecisive for a moment before nodding. My eyebrows furrowed. 

"What are you-" His lips cut me off. To say I was shocked was an understatement. But after a few moments I started to return it. He drew back a couple minutes later. 

"Happy Birthday." He said casually, placing a paper in my hand before vamping out. Leaving me panting, frustrated, and confused as hell. 

=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O 

DID YOU SEE IT? DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID?!? *Happy dance!* Haha. I really want to know your reactions to that :D Oh and guess what else happened... I'll tell you anyway because I don't care about the 'I don't care-ers. I started high school the 26!!! It's kinda alright. I have four classes this semester. Gym first thing :P, freshman seminar, geometry, than teen living. Fun...not really but it's easy right now. And I probably just jinxed myself. Awesome. But I got decorated duct tape so I should be good. 

Klaus- what does that have to do with anything? 

Me- Hush. You know nothing! 

Klaus-*raises eyebrow* I am your elder by more than a 1000 years. I'm pretty sure I know stuff. 

Me- Whats 2+2? 7+7? 4x4? 

Klaus- uhh 4, 14, & 16. 

Tara- Incoooorrect. It's fish, triangle and a window. DUH! 

Klaus- I'm going to quit now. Not going to say anything....Except to say, VOTE FAN COMMENT AND OTHER STUFF 

Me-oh yeeah. You guys are freaking amazing! I have over 700 friggin votes in total, almost 750. Will you all marry me?!? I mean on Wattpad not in real life. O_o. AND WHOEVER MAKES A CUTE COUPLE NAME FOR TARA AND KLAUS GETS A DEDICATION!!!  

LOVE YOU GUYS *virtual kisses and cookies*

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