seventeen - olivia pov

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today was the day i was finally going to facetime with justin.

i went out to lunch with kendall, and then we went shopping for a little bit. we were becoming really close, and i'm very happy about that.

walking in to my apartment, i tossed my keys on the counter and made my way to my room.

brittany, my roommate, when clubbing tonight, so i had the apartment to myself.

signing in to my macbook, i sent justin a dm.

@olivialove; i'm ready whenever you are 😺

a few minutes later, i got a reply.

@justinbieber; I'm ready! Here's my number..***-***-****

i typed his number in to my contacts, and pressed the facetime button on my mac.

it rang 4 times, until the screen showed "connecting...."

you could hear moving around for a few seconds, until he finally popped on the screen.

"hello, princess." he spoke.

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