Chapter Twenty Seven

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I giggled and we swam up to the shore and sand got on my skin. We both got up to the dry land and waited to dry off in a comfortable silence. As soon as we dried she stood up and I did also.

"It to sunny here, lets find some shade." She said climbing up in the rocks on the small island. It wasn't very tropical, just sand, rocks, and a huge tree with flowers on it. I carefully placed my foot on the rocks and tried to keep up with her as she climbed higher.

"Taylor wait up!" I said chuckling, she turned around with a smile and waited on me. I came up beside her and she jumped to the large tree branch. Gosh this girl is like a monkey. I nervously, and much more cautiously jumped to the branch. I landed and grabbed onto it as if my life depended on it. I heard a muffled laugh from Taylor and I rolled my eyes.

I sat beside her on the branch with my feet dangling. "So how has your life been?" I asked, she sighed and fiddled with her fingers. "Not the best, foster care isn't that fun." She replied and I nodded pushing a piece of hair out of my face. "I know how you feel. But I have actually had pretty good foster homes. Nothing to bad, I still had the program though." I said with an awkward laugh. She nodded and licked her lips looking out at the ocean.

"Who are the people you were with?" I asked randomly, she looked over at me and swung her leg on the other side of the tree like it was a horse. "Uh its long story."

I rolled my eyes and hit her shoulder, she smiled a bit. "Come on you can tell me!" I whined and shook her a bit, I begged until she finally gave in. "Well when I was sixteen I moved into their home for foster care... and the boy with the hat is her son." She started, I figured her was the lady with brown hair. I nodded gesturing for her to continue. "His name is Austin. And when we met I guess we just sort of fell in love." She laughed like she was remembering something, I smiled a bit. That's really sweet.

"But uh you know how foster siblings aren't supposed to date and all that crap." I nodded yes at her statement. "Austin and I started dating and then someone found out and I was kicked out. But I came back this year and a lot has happened, the point is we aren't really together any more. Even though that's what I came her for.... to be with him." She finished in a soft tone, I was confused but could sense she was sad.

I rubbed her back and smiled. "You don't have to tell me anything else. But who was the big guy and the other kid?"

"Uh that was his best friend and mine; Alex. The big guy is Dave, his body guard." She explained, I was even more confused. Concert? Body Guard?

"He's famous." She said with a chuckle, it was like she was reading my mind. "Really?" I asked in disbelief, she nodded. "Cool!" I exclaimed fan girling, although I don't know who he is. I am not that into celebrities. I asked her more questions about him and she answered everyone.

She asked me some questions and I answered them honestly. Soon I saw the moon peaking from behind a cloud, and I realized it was now night. "Taylor I should be getting back." I said sadly. "No! You are coming with me!" She insisted, is this girl crazy? "But I cant just go with you I have to stay here. And its kind of a big thing taking me on tour with you!" I exclaimed and she shrugged. "I can work something out, and if I cant you can it least stay the night!" She replied with a pleading look. I smiled and shrugged. "Fine.." I said and she cheered.

She jumped out of the tree and helped me down. She took off swimming and I followed until we got to somewhere we could dry off without being seen.

As soon as we got ready we stood by the side of the street calling a cab. We hopped in and the guy dropped us off at the hotel. I paid him and Taylor grabbed my arm dragging me into the hotel. "Hello I am Taylor Mahone, can I have my room key?" She asked sweetly, the man nodded as he typed in things on the computer. We grabbed the key then went to the main lobby where there were many girls with posters of Austin.

Taylor rolled her eyes as we pushed our way through the crowd to get to the elevator. "Move!" She yelled as we tried to get farther through, people yelled at her but eventually moved. Once we made it into the elevator I sighed catching my breath. Taylor laughed and pressed the button for the sixth floor.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked nervously, she laughed. "Don't worry Ali they will love you!" She responded, I had never been called Ali before, but I liked it! We stepped out of the elevator and I followed her down the halls. We stopped at a door and she walked in.


I walked in with Ali behind me only to see Michele who looked angry. "Taylor we were so worried about you! Just because your an adult doesn't mean you can just leave your family!" She yelled, I stopped. Did I just hear her right? The whole time I lived with them they never said they were my family.

I suddenly felt my heart skip a beat. I have a family! Its really not a big deal but it is to me. I held back a smile as she continued to yell at me. "What is even going on! You two just jump into the water and we had no idea what to do! For all we knew you could be dead!"

"And California is busy, you could've been hurt." Dave butted in even though he doesn't really know me. It least he cares. "We will discuss this tomorrow but I am super tired right now. And what is she doing here?" Michele asked and Alyssa looked down. "Uh she is just an old friend, can she stay the night?" I asked hopefully, Michele rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Oh what a day!!" She yelled in frustration as she walked down the hall to her room. I laughed a bit once she was out of sight but Dave just gave me a glare. "Austin and Alex are in the bedroom. I am going to bed." He said with a blank expression and walked out the hotel door. I sighed and looked at Alyssa who was smiling. I shrugged and we made our way through the living room to the bedroom.

The hotel room was really big and quite nice. It was pretty fancy which I am not used to. I could tell Alyssa was thinking the same as we made our way to the back.

I knocked on the door and walked in. "Hey." I said awkwardly, Austin and Alex looked over at me and Alex hugged me while Austin stayed back. "Geez Taylor I was worried!" He said with a smile but a questioning look. Alyssa stood there awkwardly. "Tay who is she?" He asked confused, as was Austin.

I explained everything to them and they were shocked. "Wow... this was Unexpected" Alex said. (lol, see what I did there? sorry I just had to)

I nodded and Alyssa smiled a bit. "Uh I need to use the restroom." Alyssa said. "I'll show you since I am going to the kitchen." Alex said and they walked out leaving me and Austin. We sat there awkwardly until he broke the silence.

"You know I could barely get through the concert. All I could think about was you." He said running a hand through my hair. "Sorry I worried you." I replied quietly. He shook his head and lied back on the bed. "Taylor... what are we doing?" Austin asked after a long pause.

"What do you mean?" I asked, it reminded me of the talk I had with Alex the other night. "I don't know its just... are we still together?" He asked... wow this is exactly like what happened the other night. "Austin I don't know. I would really love to get back together but I am seriously confused right now. All this drama is just getting to my head. Especially with Alyssa here." I replied looking down. "Okay... I can wait." He replied, I was confused.

"Wait for what?" I asked and he smiled a bit. "I will wait for you... because I truly love you Taylor." Austin replied, his words made my heart flutter. I didn't know what to say. "Thanks Austin. I will see you tomorrow okay? I am tired." I responded, I didn't wait for a response I just walked out of his room and into the kitchen to see Alex and Alyssa talking. I smirked to myself and motioned for Alyssa. She said goodnight to Alex and he smiled at her.

"Night Alex." I said before heading off to bed. "Love you Tay." He replied with a smile, I quickly hugged him and then went to my room to see Alyssa in the bed. She scooted over and I lied down curling into the covers. I said goodnight to Alyssa and slowly fell asleep replaying Austin's words in my mind.

"I will wait for you." I smiled and drifted off to sleep thinking about how good but bad life was at the moment...

Unexpected (Austin Mahone FF) *Completed*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat