"It's okay," Elsword smiled warmly. "I completely understand why you'd wanna join."

"Thank you," she answered. 

"In that case," Elsword scratched the side of his head. "I'll switch Raven out with Eve. So it looks like the girls will be taking on the Kings while us guys will do the rescue."

"I'm okay with that," Aisha said as she checked her nails. "We're strong enough to take some rusty old King on, the battle will be a piece of cake." 

Her cheeks flared with a faint shade of pink as Elsword snaked an arm around her shoulders," and don't worry if you ladies have some trouble dealing with him. You can always rely on little ol' me to help you out." He winked. 

Aisha tightened her lips together and pushed him aside," like I would need help from you." She slapped him on the stomach. 

"Okay, okay, no need to get so excited." Elsword laughed, earning him another smack.

"Get on with that plan of yours," Aisha crossed her arms together with her cheeks still slared in a tint of pink. "It's rude to keep people waiting." 

Elsword hastily re-positioned himself and cleared his voice," as I was saying," he shot a quick glare at Aisha. "The rescue team will join the fight after the Nasods have been rescued from the core. If there are any additional dangers in the hideout please stay behind to help defend it. We've had enough casualties already, let's not try to add any more."

Someone sneezed as a cold wind brushed past us. The wind showered us in the tiny water droplets it picked up along the way. 

"I'll be telling the Ponggos before we leave." Elsword added. "Until then please try to keep quiet."

"Don't worry, we won't tell," Chung answered. "Besides, I doubt any of us would want to talk with them after the day we had."

That's how we launched ourselves into a conversation about our crazy day. We tried to keep our voices down and our laughter to a minimum, but it was hard to contain ourselves when Chung wouldn't stop complaining about this one old and cranky Ponggo. Talking behind the villagers' backs wasn't our greatest idea, nor our proudest moments, but it was something to calm us down and lift the mood back up. 


I slept through a majority of the night without a problem. When I woke up the sun was still not out yet but Raven and Elsword had already left to find some food. Eve was also up at this time on watch duty, she stood quietly at the mouth of the cave and gazed mutely out to the core. Knowing I wouldn't be sleeping any time soon, I gingerly helped myself up to my feet and walked toward her. 

"Good morning," I whispered. 

She jumped at my abrupt greeting and snapped her head back," o-oh, good morning, Ara." She replied as she relaxed from the initial shock. 

"How long have you been up?" I asked, turning my attention to the core. It's blue light brushed against the dark cave softly, gently pushing night's shade to the farthest corner of the cave. In some way, the light provided the hide out a false sense of serenity and comfort---comfort from the darkness. 

Eve shrugged," I have been too busy thinking to keep track." 

We fell into silence shortly after, the rushing water roared loudly into the cave to fill in the silence. 

"I have been thinking," Eve said after some time had passed. "Raven and I are very much the same, but we have matured in very different ways."

"How so?" I asked. 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now