Chapter 2

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 "Uh-huh, so you admit to stealing it?" I asked as I rolled my eyes, I quickly looked Alex in the eye knowing that he would feel the pull of being mates. I felt that same warmth as earlier. Just as quickly as I looked into his eyes I turned and walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself something to eat.

I walked back up to my room and sat on my bed thinking about would happen tomorrow


I slowly opened my eyes and quickly jumped out of bed because if I didn’t I would go back to sleep.

The excitement of the day caused me to run, getting ready twice as fast I normally would. 

I climbed on my motorbike and drove like a crazy girl on crack to school. No one wants to drive like an old nanny, if your gonna ride a bike you have to ride it properly, which means fast. I quickly walked to my locker; a few lockers down I saw Leslie talking animatedly to 2 other girls, which I recognize as the girls that were flirting with my mate yesterday. Wow that was strange to say.


I wanted to growl at them for even being that close to him but I controlled myself and bottled it all up inside me.

While I was at my locker I decide it would be fun to eavesdrop on their pointless conversation.

"-He came over last night and was all over me," Leslie boasted to the 2 girls and they stared wide-eyed at her, they looked like they would bow down at her feet at any moment.


"How did he get in, especially with your parents home too?" Girl 2 asked.


"He's Alex, he can do anything," I froze. My mind was completely blank but so much was running through it at the same time. Once I had control of my mind, my blood boiled. Even after he found out were mates he has the nerve to go to another girl's house.

"Then what happened?" Girl 2 asked.


"We had sex of course and it was great, did it all night too and he said that he would come over tonight to do it all over again." Wow, I really wanted to punch Leslie after I ripped out her throat. I chose to do the only logical thing in this situation and join in the conversation.

"Rumour says that Alex found his mate not too long ago, so I wouldn't get too excited about tonight if I were you." I smile nicely. Leslie and Girl 2 looked at me, surprise covering their face, I almost wanted to laugh.


"Yeah, I heard the same thing to, surprised me, as hot as he is I would hate to have him as a mate, I mean with all those girls throwing themselves at him, and his player attitude, I couldn't handle it." Girl 1 said. How did she know about that? I wondered but most surprising was that not too long ago she seemed so interested in Leslie's talk but now she couldn't seem to care less.


Leslie caught onto this also, "What do you mean 'player attitude' he's a gentlemen and he loves me. Wait maybe I'm his mate-no of course, it couldn't be more obvious. I am his mate. I mean you said he only just found his mate, well that was after we had sex so maybe he realized then. Omigod I'm going to be Alpha Female! I better start practicing my Alpha attitude to prove to him I am perfect for the title." Leslie, in that moment couldn’t look more happy and evil in even if she tried, it was almost scary.

I was taken out of my thoughts of Leslie turning into some crazy, power hungry Luna when I heard Girl 2 squealed, "He said he loved you?"


"Well he didn't say the words but it was all over his face when we doing it, plus he climbed up a tree just to be with me," Now that's sad, I never realised how delusional she was until now but it made me feel better thinking about how crushed she would be when she realised she wasn't even close to being Alpha Female. She already found her mate: a son of a biker, so he's got all the leather, tattoos and bikes. And Leslie couldn't be more embarrassed but, uh, she's the one standing their saying a guy loves her because he climbed up a tree and had sex with her. Now that's embarrassing

As she said that Lily walked past, she was an emo who also had a quick tongue, most people hated her but we had a friendly sort do friendship. I help her she helps me. She always supports my changes; she was the one who got me purple contacts to match my purple hair.

Lily caught the last bit of our conversation and came up to us with a smirk on her face, "only two nights ago he snuck into Becky's room and did 'it' with her too, how's that for your lover boy?" Short and sweet, and with that she walked away giving me a quick wave as she left.

Leslie looked shocked and angry, "how dare you say that to your future Alpha Female!" She looked pissed but no one cared because everyone knew she wasn't Alex's mate.

How could one boy cause so much emotion and problems?


End of chapter!! :D

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