Truth or Dare: Chapter 32

Start from the beginning

“What did you use?  Wikipedia?”  I snorted.

He opened his eyes wide in shock, “Why would you think that?”

I shrugged, “Cause.”


“Just cause.”  I narrowed my eyes, crossing my arms huffily.  “Where’s everyone else?”  I took a glance around, realizing that no one else was outside yet.  Maybe they are still inside, I mused.  After all, it is very likely that I got here earlier before anyone else.

“They left,”  Blake smirked.

I stared blankly at him, “What?”

“They.  Left,”  he repeated slower.

“Liar,”  I accused a bit uncertainly, my heart pumping slightly faster from anxiety.  There was no way that they left already.  I was sure to set my alarm clock early; I’m nearly positive I did.

“Check the time,”  Blake pointed towards my phone that was sticking out of my back pocket.  Swiftly, I jerked out my phone and stared dumbly at the time.

“So?”  I frowned, looking back up at Blake.  “It’s nine.”

“And?”  he probed further. 

I tilted my head slightly in confusion, “And?”

“You were suppose to get here at 8:30.”

“I was?”

“Yes,”  Blake replied.

“Since when?”

“Since you arranged the time.  You said you wanted to get to Disneyland at nine to avoid the lines, so then we would have to leave here at 8:30,”  he said slowly.

“Oh.”  I let out a groan, face palming myself, as soon as I realized my mistake.  Way to go, Kylie, I thought sarcastically, feeling my cheeks flush from that realization.

“So I offered to stay behind and take you,”  he grinned, pointing to his truck.  

“Everyone left?”  I asked again, realizing that I was alone with Blake with no one else around.  I shifted awkwardly, letting my gaze drift to anywhere but Blake.

“You don’t have to sound so excited,”  he teased, walking over to the drivers seat.

I glared at him before trudging to the backseat.  After clearing off the seat from some junk, I pulled myself in and sat down uncomfortably.

“Really?”  He looked back at me in the rearview mirror, raising an eyebrow at my choice.

“Yes,”  I said stubbornly.  There was no way I was going to survive a twenty minute awkward drive to Disneyland in the shotgun with someone I barely knew.  

“Please?”  he turned around to look at me.  My breath caught slightly in my throat as he opened his eyes wide in a pleading look.  Shaking myself back into reality, I crossed my arms across my chest, clenching my teeth together.


“Then I’m not moving.”  With that, he leaned back against his seat, kicking his feet up in a relaxed position, and closing his eyes as if sleeping.  I rolled my eyes at his persistence, but still refused to budge.  If anything, stubborn people only make me more stubborn, and there was no way I was going to be the first to crack.  In fact, there was nothing that could make me the first to crack.  

Deciding to show him, I leaned back against the back seat.  Unable to throw up my feet, not that I would in a strangers car, I tried my best to relax by closing my eyes and ignoring the slight feeling I was getting that Blake was looking at me.  Think about anything but the situation you are in, I thought to myself, ignoring the chill I was getting.  

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