Chapter 13: Brannon

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Creeping along the corridor in the castle was never easy. All I had to do was make it obvious that I had been home and then escape before my father found me. Which was a crazy thing to think that I could do. The man was bound to the land, he felt everything and everyone, he knew when I was here and when I wasn't.

So it was no surprise that I found him in my bedroom, looking out the windows as he always does. He turned with a smile, seemingly pleased that I'd done as I was told. It wasn't as if I'd disobey him, he didn't even need to order me around, all he ever did was ask me to do things in his own peculiar way.

"Hey," I said as I dumped my bag next to my desk.

"Good afternoon Brannon."

Always so formal.

"And how was your day today?"

Weird. Distant. The best part of today ran off before I could talk to her.


"You do realise that I know you skipped out on the majority of the day, right?"

As if I could ever get anything past you.


I sat on the desk chair, watching as he turned completely and walked over to me. He sat on the end of the bed and looked at me with that concerned father look that he always struggled with.

"You don't need to worry, I could take all of the exams tomorrow and pass. Just going to hang out with Luca."

"I know Brannon, I have known for quite some time that your intelligence is beyond your years. What I hold concern for is this angel that is hanging around. It is not a coincidence, surely you know this?"

With a heavy heart, I nodded. Angels didn't hang around unless they wanted something, in this case, it was information. It hurt to think that she didn't want to know me as a person, that I was just a duty to her.

"The angel was the one in the restricted section, wasn't she?

"I believe so."

"Have you found out what she was looking for?"


The door opened and my mother walked in, happily taking the offered seat on my father's lap. Not a day goes by when I don't see her there at least once. I looked at the enormous swell of her belly, my sibling was due really soon. There was so much in our world that was at risk and I'd brought the biggest risk to our door and I knew I deserved my father's wrath for it. Yet he seemed so calm about it.

"You need to find out why she was in there. I don't understand why an angel would bother with a school library, it doesn't make sense."

"She was sent to spy on me."

"No surprises there." My mother said. "Maybe she thought there would be something there considering that Brannon is a student at the school."

My father nodded his agreement.

"Luca raided her apartment, uploaded information for you. He said he'd bring it in tomorrow if he's not grounded."

But Nick would let him come here for that purpose. Though it was likely that he'd drag Luca here by his ear, take him straight to the office, upload the information for my father and then kick Luca's ass all the way home again.

"She's got a box, it's full of photos and information about demons, the girls and mom. Said it's standard issue to the angels, to know the enemy."

I could see the mild anger grow into something that was deadly, if my mother wasn't sitting on his lap it was likely that he would have disappeared and found something to destroy.

"So in Emery's office today, she was there and I told her to leave before you came out but I think she like freaked or spaced out, something," I said with a shrug. "You were coming out and I couldn't let her stay, she's only an infra but she's so strong-willed it's crazy."

"And where was she?"

"I took her to Luca to babysit until you were gone."

My mother frowned at me, suspicious and confused.

"Where was Luca?"

"In our office."

She rolled her eyes, trying not to smile. Neither of them was happy about the little scheme but I knew they were quietly impressed at how well Luca and I controlled our little black market. Try as they might, they could never really scold me for it. I was meant to be naughty, I was born to be bad.

"Then what?"

"Went to the shops. She freaked at lunch and took off. After that, I waited for Luca to finish his meal and we came home."

Waiting for my father to come to some form of conclusion to his thoughts seemed to drag on.

"Alright, you can carry on with the evening as you wish. You know what you need to do if there is trouble with her or any of them, don't you?"

"Sink into the ground."

"And take Luca with you." My mother added.

"Yeah, that too."

She stood with a smile, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Have fun, my little delinquent."

"Thanks, mom."

They walked out hand in hand and looked like they were still new in their love. My phone buzzed in my pocket, dragging me out of my stare. A message from Luca stating he wasn't grounded but his parents weren't impressed. And that he was eager to leave because they were distracted with Chloe, which was his way of saying not to go to his house. I didn't know what to do, it's not as if I let her think that she stood a chance.

Lifting through the layer of hell and to the earth, I surfaced in our first of a few locations. There weren't many places that a vampire could go to have a drink on this planet, especially given that we were only eighteen. But Luca had searched, finding that if we timed and planned our countries right we could have a great night out. We always followed the timeline across the globe, extending our time considerably. But that in itself was difficult considering that our ID cards were school-issued and not a widely accepted form of ID.

But there was one place that we could go to that would accept the school ID and it was in a club that was easily accessed by the vampires of this world.

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