Chapter 54: Emily

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Sarul and I were standing in a line to get into a club, it was ridiculously long. To make matters worse, the cold had set into the evening and it was getting rather brisk around me. My dress was short, a halter neck dress that had a low cut back and little else. So to say that I was cold was pretty accurate.

Wrapping his arms around me, Sarul tried his best to keep me warm.

"You know, I'm sure there's better clubs around."

"It's up to you Emily, this is about making you feel better. I'd be happy anywhere so long as you are there."

I gave him a sweet smile, crazily I felt more appreciative of him. So I leaned up and kissed him. It had caught him off guard, shocked at first, he looked at me with a confused frown. Then he smiled, leaning down to kiss me back.

It was soft and sweet, much like Sarul really. Brushing the fringe away from his face, my fingers trailed down his sturdy jaw, tracing over the stubble that had broken through the skin. Kissing me again, we became a little too over invested in each other for such a public place. Not that it really mattered, the people around us were either not interested or doing the same anyway.

Things were progressing and I was kind of okay with that. We'd gone from being friends to kissing, we were getting there slowly. For me it was the best, recovering from the past few weeks was always going to be difficult.

Our kiss slowed, Sarul gently tugged on my bottom lip as he smiled, kissing me softly again.

"How about a little divine intervention?" He whispered against my lips.


Seconds later one of the doormen was walking down the line, randomly picking people out of it. Not so surprisingly, Sarul and I were selected. Ignoring the groans and complaints, Sarul and I made our way under the red rope and scurried up to the door. We looked at each other as we walked through the poorly lit lobby and giggled.

The music was pounding a deafening beat, Sarul held my hand and pulled us to the side.

"Did you want a drink or to dance?" He yelled.

I bit my lip, looking from the bar that was littered with people waiting to be served and the dance floor that was filled with even more people. After the ice cream though, I thought that dancing so soon after might not be so wise.

"Let's have a few drinks first."

Sarul smiled broadly, together we walked to the bar and with a little more divine intervention, we were served straight away. We stayed by the bar, finding a seat at the far end. I was sitting on it with Sarul leaning on the bar in front of me. There we stayed for quite some time, drinking and trying to talk to each other. It was a little difficult with the music but we still tried.

To me, it was the perfect distraction. All that I wanted was a moment when I thought of nothing and I was doing that, I'd had several of those moments. Of course, it helped that I was becoming more intoxicated by the second. I didn't care, ready to let loose and have some fun.

With the arrival of another round, Sarul and I toasted to our happy night and this time, I was a happier angel. That was because I was drunk but it didn't matter. Sarul leaned in, laughing softly as he kissed below my ear, nibbling on it. I sniggered, pulling him closer to me.

"Did you want another drink or to go and dance?" He asked, almost yelling the question.

"Dance." I returned, just as loud.

Taking his hand, I dragged him onto the dance floor and found the smallest of gaps to one side. We were stuck in between people but that was okay, I didn't mind. All I needed was to get my mind off Brannon and the possibility that Chloe was sinking her fangs into him.

Sarul pulled me close to his body, moving his body with rhythmic precision. Heat filled the room, sweat trailed down my spine as we danced together. I looked up into those purple eyes and wished they were red.

His lips found mine again, this time it was more heated and desperate. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I found a certain ease with his affection. Our bodies stilled, no longer dancing as we kissed. I wasn't going to compare; I didn't want to even think about him. Sarul pulled my body to his, his wayward hand wandered up my side as the other settled at the small of my back. The miscreant hand continued on, finding the edge of my dress under my arm and moving under the material.

I gasped within the kiss, feeling the pleasure of his touch rise deep inside of me. No one around us bothered to look at us, I could feel the veil of disinterest covering us. It would protect us from their gaze, all they would see is the other dancers and we would cease to exist from their view.

Our kiss became more ardent, his touch more forceful. It slid out from the side of my dress and I felt bereft, his touch was so commanding. As our kiss stopped, I looked up at him, feeling my body shiver as his fingers slid down my side and to my thigh. His lips pressed against my jaw, nipping passionate kisses as he moved over my neck. Lifting my leg over his, I gasped as his fingers pressed against the lace, pushing it aside.

"Emily." He breathed heavily into my ear.

I groaned as two of his fingers delved deep, my grip on his shoulders was firm. Sarul continued, sliding his fingers in me as the ecstasy rose.

"Come home with me."

As he begged the soft words in my ear, I gasped my desperate agreement. I wanted to be selfish, I wanted a moment of hedonistic lust that was all about me.

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