Chapter 52: Emily

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The ice creamery sat at the edge of a parkland, at the back of the building was a deck that overlooked the land. It was dark, a few sporadic lights lit up the grounds, shining over the paths and the people that were walking around. Sarul and I had sat at a table at the edge of the deck to eat our ice creams.

With just a lotus flower shaped tea light between us, we sat in the almost darkness and enjoyed our desert. It was enjoyable until a couple walked through the grounds, I watched as they wrapped themselves up in each other, looking like they were in love.

"It is amazing how this world works, isn't it?"

I turned my gaze to Sarul who had been watching me.


"Happiness can be found, if only you are receptive to finding it."

"Yeah, I get it. Somethings are not meant to be."

Sarul offered a smile, saying nothing in return. I had to give the man credit, this ship was sinking and still he clung onto it as if it was going to be his saviour.

"They're never going to remove the purity spell, are they?"

Pressing his lips together, Sarul shook his head.

"No matter how hard I beg?"

"Sorry Emily. They've deemed you a high risk situation so they've done it to protect you and yes, themselves. They won't remove it because they don't want an angel in hell, regardless of what status you are or were. Aside from the fact that they don't want to remove the spell, they kind of can't anyway. A purity spell is pretty much permanent."

Well, didn't that just suck.

"The idea of a purity spell is to return a wayward angel to the right path. You weren't exactly wayward but the situation was dangerous enough to warrant its use."

Of course it was. I was in love with the son of the devil and those above me weren't impressed. I was a rebel and they did everything within their power to bring me back and straighten me out.

"I know you had strong feelings for him Emily but you need to start letting go. You can't find your way back to the path if you keep hold of him and the notion that you will be able to return to him. The longer you fight the spell, the worse it will become. Think of it and your situation like a rubber band. The more you pull on it, the further it stretches until it cannot take it any longer and breaks. You need to keep your life nice and loose, you will find life will move much more easily."

I nodded, eating the last of the waffle cone. As I picked up the cloth napkin and wiped my mouth, I considered everything that was going on and had happened. I could not see a path, not now that I knew that removing the spell wasn't going to happen. There was anger in me, mostly because they'd done this to break Brannon and make him suffer. Our time together had been short but it was a time that had forged powerful emotions and feelings towards each other. I knew that I loved him, I wanted a life with him and to spend every single day and night with him.

"Have you ever been in love Sarul?"

He stretched back on his seat, offering a pained smile as he nodded.

"When I was seventeen, I foolishly went against my parent's rules and visited the land. I happened upon a woman, watched her from afar as she handed out leaflets at an anti-war rally. She was intoxicating, even from a distance I saw someone that held so much empathy for this world and its inhabitants. I had to know if she could accept a life as the mate of an angel so I went through the process of having her inducted. I'd assumed that the locator had already found her but he hadn't which made me rather curious. Of course, she wasn't my soul and that played heavily on their process points. In order to have a human altered, I had to have eighty or above, she barely made fifty. So I ignored the rules and approached her as if I was a human. We started to see each other and began a relationship. Years passed and she grew older and I didn't so she started to question me and I had to tell her."

Sarul looked out to the parkland, weakly smiling.

"She didn't believe me, thought I was insane and tried to have me committed. Problem was, she knew the truth and those that rule our world had to intervene. With a memory wipe to the staff in the asylum and the woman, I was ordered to leave her alone and let her get on with her life. So this is me, ignoring the woman that had once been my world and pretending that I never loved her. It is a horrid world Emily but sometimes the path that we tread is worth the pain and suffering. We learn lessons, they are valuable ones and no matter what, you should always remember them. They will help you in the future, you will look back at this time and know where you were right or wrong, you will know what to do or not to do. It is suffering but I promise that in the end, you will smile again."

I nodded, sighing softly.

"You know; I feel like doing something different. Did you want to go dancing?"

"Sure, sounds like a great plan."

We stood and Sarul wrapped his arm around me and for the first time since knowing him, I didn't feel at odds with his proximity. Things were changing and I didn't know how to react to it, I didn't know what to feel. A part of me believed that I was cheating on Brannon but the other part whispered that what Brannon and I had was over, there was no cheating when we weren't together anymore.

Somewhere deep inside of me, a little bit of hope died.

Fallen AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora