Chapter 16: Emily

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I woke feeling incredibly cold and like I was floating in wet cotton candy. Looking at the wisps of dark grey, I knew that I was in the clouds. Warmth shrouded me as I was pulled to one hot body, engulfed in heat that made me feel like I was on fire. It was then that I remembered that Brannon had bound me again and shot me up into the sky, all to keep me from the vampires. He saved me when I had been downright stupid. I smiled when I realised that I was right, he would protect me. Something inside of me filled with hope and I was scared of how I could fall for him so easily.

The warmth came from Brannon, his strong arms wrapped around me as his sleek black wings slowly moved. It was enough to keep us elevated but not move the cloud too much, otherwise we'd be exposed.

Lifting my head from his chest I looked up, his eyes widened with shock and happiness. The red shimmered in a wave that moved across his eyes. His lips met mine, a desperate and passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his were still holding onto me tightly.

Floating in the cloud, high above the earth as we kissed was probably the most romantic thing that I'd ever done. It was sad to say that I'd suffered a pretty lame love life so far. In one kiss he'd blown them all out of the water. There was no competition, he was far more perfect.

But therein lies the problem. The son of the devil was not made for me, he was not made for any of my kind. I couldn't escape, not that I really wanted to. This was too good to stop, I wasn't a fool even if I didn't have an answer to this issue.

Our kiss slowed, his lips traced over mine as he looked at me. We both knew that we were in some serious trouble.

"You're still cold."

I nodded sadly.

"I don't think that anything on earth is going to help you."

Looking up at him, I knew what he meant. I needed serious heat. Not a tropical climate, not several jackets and blankets in front of a roaring fire. No, I needed hell.

"I know you're scared Em but I'll take you to a place that is far away from where we live, he won't be able to detect you."

"Are you kidding? You're talking about his land, he knows everything that goes on."

Brannon smiled at me as if he really did have somewhere that his father didn't know about which I found oddly curious. How could the devil not know every single layer of hell?

He wrapped his wings around us, the cold slipping away as our feet touched the ground.

"Luca," Brannon called out.

Luca turned into the alley and walked to us with a quickened pace. His jacket was tight to his body as he tried to hide from the storm.

"Thanks for killing my party Em." He grumbled. "I had two hot chickies ready to give me the best."

"Oh-kay." Brannon groaned, interrupting him. "You can shut up now."

Luca rolled his eyes as Brannon thumped a hand onto his shoulder, pulling us downwards. I was going to hell.

The cold was replaced by a dull warmth that was slowly increasing. My arms were around his waist, feeling the warm skin underneath the cloth of the divine.

The words struck me, the cloth of the divine. They were deities, it was not a lie. The devil had once walked a path that was just as virtuous as any of the angels that walked this earth. Yet he was not seen as a kindred spirit, he was cast away like a shameful secret. The devil offered a service to this world, caring for the dead, ensuring that life moved in and out of his world with ease. Yes, there was the darker side of his world but should he be looked upon as if he was the scourge of the world because he and his demons tempted mankind?

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