Chapter 5: Brannon

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I can't believe that I'd let Luca convince me into something beyond the realms of misbehaviour. That line that was not supposed to be crossed, it was a distant memory now. His fascination about my ability to ghost was never going to die down and to make matters worse, he was now trying to figure out how Emery knew where we were. Then there was the revelation about the cage and the fact that there was someone in there during school hours.

"It's just a deity thing Luca. Kind of like how can vampires digest blood."

"Vamps are descendants of the fae."

I turned on my seat, putting the now cold coffee into the cup holder.

"But that's the thing Luc, fae aren't blood drinkers. Maybe you're more related to the liola elf or even a nornaya elf. At least they're bloodsuckers."

"Well not me anyway, my parents were human first."

Huffing as I turned back to the view of the school, I watched as the security guard did his perimeter check.

"Okay, let's go."

"I'm not holding your hand." I mumbled.

Luca huffed with a snort of laughter.

"I'm not holding your hand either, ya freak."

"Freak eh? Get into the school without my help."

His eyes narrowed as his lips twisted, pressing thinly.

"Come on batty, I've got better things to be doing with my nights."

"It would be so cool if I could turn into a bat. D'ya think your old man would cut me a deal that I didn't end up being his own personal slave for the rest of eternity?"

"You are kidding, right?"

With a huff he nodded, my hand went to his shoulder as we sank through the car and into the sewer.

"Gross." Luca whispered.

"Easiest option when the doors and windows are alarmed."

We walked in the direction of the street, following the sewer for as far as we could before we had to pass through the earth. Slowly we slid upwards, finding that we had reached the reception area. The whole place was closed for the night, the only people here now were the guards and those who were using the restricted section of the library.

Wafting through the floor, we moved to the room that I had always been curious to. Emery's office held a view of the street with wide windows in a large room. The receptionist sat behind a desk that ran the length of the room and I noted that Emery's office width did not match the interior wall. There was another office but I could never find the door to it and I could never pass through the walls.

I was hoping that if there was something protecting it, that it would be switched off with the close of the school. Reaching for the wall I held my breath in anticipation, my heart was beating frantically. It passed through and I squeezed Luca's shoulder, our eyes opened to an interesting room. One that was filled with surveillance screens that covered every single section of the school, except the restrooms and change rooms.

It explained her ability to find us with ease, she had her eye on every square inch of this place. I moved us to the camera that was trained on the entry to the cage from the other side. The view of the library was a general one near the main doors, nowhere near the library side of the cage.

Looking at the panel in front of us, I pressed the button to rewind the footage. Luca was doing the same for the library footage. I looked at the vision of him fleeing the library like a madman. She had evidence that it was him, did she really believe Emily when she said it was one of the shifter kids?

Luca stopped rewinding and then turned it back to normal time, I heard a huff as he hit the reset button. The image turned back to the library at the moment and its poorly lit view. Turning back to the view of the other side of the cage, we watched as a guard sat behind a desk, his feet up on it as he read the paper. No one went in or out all day.

Curiosity struck me, finding the view of the first floor girls change room. It was set to the side so the view showed them going in and out of the room but never anything inside the room. Emily was in the room when we drifted into it but the vision showed that she did not go into the room, at all.

Luca's hand slapped to mine, holding it to his shoulder as he dragged me to another panel on the next wall. He searched through the footage and found the view of a class ending. Luca walked out of the room, chatted to a couple of girls as the rest of the class began to disperse. Then Emily walked out and briskly walked down the corridor, weaving in and out of people who seemed to not notice her.

Luca hit the reset button and shifted to another panel, searching until he found Emily. She walked up the stairs, the next vision showed her walking towards the library.

Luca wasn't far behind her, trying to be casual as he gave his nod to the giggling girls. He passed into the room after Emily but the vision from the library showed an entirely different vision. Luca walked in but there was no Emily before him. I knew what it meant. She was in the library at the same time as Luca yet the vision told a different story.

Emily was there but she didn't want to be seen and I knew then that it was her in the restricted section. With a gentle squeeze that indicated it was time to move on, we reset all of the buttons and moved to the reception area. Luca the deviate had managed to weasel his way into being rather friendly with the woman, it wasn't hard considering that we were in here on a daily basis. We were on a first name basis with the pretty blonde.

She looked at Luca with lust in her eyes, never noticing that he was watching as she typed in various passwords. He sat at her desk, starting the computer and logging into the student information files. After finding Emily's address, he closed everything down.

Drifting back through the earth and to the sewer, I wondered what the deal was with Emily. The information on her file was clearly fake, listing her as a vampire from a respected dynasty in the UK. There was only one vampire dynasty in the UK, the rest of them were covens and vampires that did not associate with a group or family.

As we rose back into the car and reappeared, Luca and I looked at each other.

"How?" Luca whispered, so uncertain of everything. "How did she fool Emery into believing that she's a Lancaster?"

"Because she's an angel Luca, they have the ability to make anyone believe them. That's why Emery believed her when she said that she didn't see you in the library."

"But she was in the library, wasn't she?"

I nodded, looking out the windscreen to the darkened school.

"I think she was in the cage, you going in there must have spooked her. Maybe she thought you saw her and you were going to tell Emery because you looked like you were in a hurry."

Luca scoffed. "Yeah, in a hurry to save my ass."

"So here's my theory. She thinks she's in the shit and chases after you, hoping to reason with you. Seeing Emery catch us, she thinks she's got something to bargain with. Save us and you'd have to back off, otherwise she'd tell Emery everything."

"You wanna pay her a visit?"

I nodded, turning over the engine. Yes. Yes, I did want to pay her a visit.

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