Chapter 64: Emily

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Feeling rather unsettled at being in Brannon and Chloe's tropical love nest, I kept my gaze out the window and tried not to think of them being together. It stung so hard and I did my best to think of anything other than the fact that she would be naked in front of him, she would have pleased him and kept him captivated. And to make matters worse, she would probably strut out here, lording it over me that she had won him. I hated the situation and it didn't help that the place was so similar to what was destined to be our home in hell.

Glancing at my watch, I huffed. Not a peep from the bedroom and several minutes had passed. I didn't want to open the door to find them in the middle of something but I had to brave the situation. I was strong and I was not going to submit to my emotions, even if I really wanted to.

Crossing the room, I took a deep breath and readied to face the terrible vision of them being a couple.

"Bran, you're taking too long."

My voice trailed off as I opened the door, looking at the empty room.

"Shit." I hissed.

All that was left was a piece of paper, I picked it up and felt gutted. It was the house plans that I'd drawn, our life in the idyllic tropical wonderland. On the back he'd written that he loved me.

"I love you too Bran."

As I folded the piece of paper and tucked it into my pocket, I finally let go. Crying seemed so pointless when there was nothing that I could do to save the situation but damn it felt good. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I looked at the messed up sheets and wished they were that way because Bran and I had been together, not him and Chloe. She had what I wanted, she had the life that I craved.

I wiped away the tears and retrieved my phone, it was how I had found him. The idea had come from Zoé, she had suggested it so that I could track her wayward sister and bring her home. It was nothing more than earning good girl points with her parents by snitching on Chloe.

It was her brilliant idea to use the GPS tracking on Chloe's phone to locate them, the idea had brought me to the nearest tower and from there I searched using the sensations I got when I was near a demon. Brannon wasn't a demon but it still worked because he was a fallen angel.

Looking at the phone, I had nothing but a dead signal which meant that they were on the move and the satellite was having trouble keeping a firm fix on them. But what was the point when he was determined to run? I needed a restraint that could hold a deity which was near on impossible. Tracking him could consume days and nights, all the while more people died.

I jumped when my phone rang, looking at Michael's name on the screen. It wasn't a good sign.


"Emily, return to the devil's office please."

"Of course."

The call was ended and slowly faded into the air, appearing in the one place that I had always wanted to see. This was where he made the deals, cared for the dead and was the master of all that he surveyed. The power reeked heavily and for a moment I soaked it in, feeling the surge flood through me. I could understand how people would want power, it was intoxicating.

A demon woman looked up at me from behind her desk, raising an eyebrow as she looked at me. She pointed to the door without a word, I tipped my head with a gesture of gratitude and turned to the door.

Opening it I found Michael watching the television, the devil staring out a window that spanned the entire far wall and Chloe's father sitting on a lounge. Cerberus was laying on the lounge beside him, his head resting on the vampire's lap. The mutt was asleep, looking like a normal, one headed dog.

"Emily." Michael said.

He gestured to the television as he turned the sound up. It was a news report about a cruise liner that had gone off course due to freakish weather, a large wave had toppled it and the entire thing had gone down.

I took in the facts. It had happened in a matter of minutes. Everyone died because there was no time to get into the life rafts. There was no warning, the storm had erupted out of nowhere. One large wave, in freakish weather.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that waves of that size didn't happen naturally.

Michael looked at me with a grim face. I guess he was grateful that the humans were blaming the weather and that he didn't have to send angels out to whisper excuses into the human's minds but the tragedy of it all was taking its toll.

Clearly Brannon had laid waste to the ship on his way to the next hideout. I looked at my phone, wondering if I'd get reception in hell. The answer was no. No reception, no movement. So I put it back into my pocket and watched as the news report changed to the epidemic that was the so called reason for the deaths in the bazaar. If Brannon kept going, the humans would take notice. There would be no more excuses that could be offered and we'd be exposed, something that heaven did not want.

"We have to give him what he wants."

Michael looked at me with a raised eyebrow, shocked at my statement. The devil turned with a supreme smile, hiding it when Michael turned to look at him. He shrugged at Michael and returned to his view of the underworld.

"Look at the situation realistically. He said straight out that he was going to bring heaven down unless he got what he wanted. He has the power and the ability to do it and he is exposing our world. If we don't do something soon, we are going to be in a lot of trouble. What he asks isn't so unreasonable. You said yourself that heaven didn't care if we were together."

"And how do you plan on keeping hell in one piece if you are living here? You forget the reality far too easily Emily. I understand that you want for this to be over but it is not something that can be rushed. One wrong move and we could set off a series of events that will cause problems further down the track. Be mindful of this Emily, every action has a consequence."

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