Chapter 71: Brannon

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My father stretched back in his seat, gazing out at the land. All was well again because I was happy. Well, momentarily happy. He hadn't punished me yet and that was on the cards. All that saved me at the moment was the presence of my mother. She'd brought my brother down when she came to see us, now Emily was cooing over the baby.

"Alright, let's hear of your grand idea."

"Well, it wasn't completely mine, to be honest."

She handed Emilio back to my mother.

"It was Elstrach pushing me to search my thoughts. Anyway, I thought that I'd make a deal."

The look on my father's face dropped, his eyes darted to me with concern.

"Do you realise what you ask for? You know that they." He said, pointing to the ceiling. "Have a certain amount of control over the deals."

"Yes I do. I am aware of that because I used to live there. I've considered all options, made a list and thought about it, revising it several times. Here's what I want. Obviously, I want you to break the purity spell. I want to be an entire fallen angel and for hell to accept me as a part of the world and not try to purge me in any way. I want for Chloe to not remember the events entirely and to look back at her time with Brannon with fond memories. I want for her to find a nice partner who will treat her well and love her, giving her what her heart desires. Now, I do not want to refer to you as my master or any other way of addressing you that elevates you above me, I do not want to be in service to you nor bound to the rules of the demons."

"And what will you offer for such a large request?"

"I will love your son for the rest of our lives."

My father smiled, narrowing his eyes as he looked at Emily. I glanced at my mother who was sitting on the lounge, feeding Emilio. She was watching with as much anticipation as I was, eager to see what happened.

"And what makes you think that I'll bow down to such demands?"

Emily smiled at my father.

"I think you know why."

"What's the reason?" I whispered.

Emily batted me away, frowning before turning back to her intense negotiations.

"I dealt with Michael for you, there were no difficult negotiations, there wasn't any issues with him trying to hide things in the paperwork. All wrapped up in a neat package with nothing happening to your son. I think that if anything, that should at least buy me a free deal."

My father laughed mercilessly, Emily stood her ground as she stared at him. That day when she entered Emery's office, hell bent on causing problems, I thought that she was no match for my father but I was wrong. She stood up to him, just like she had with Michael.

He stopped laughing and looked at her, the amused smile remained.

"My, my, they do make them tougher these days. Why ask to be a fallen angel? That will come with an oath to me once you break the spell."

"I want to ensure that it happens and my acceptance into this world is guaranteed. How would it be if you were to invite your grown children and their partners to dinner and I was stuck on the island layer because hell in its entirety won't accept me?"

His lips twisted as he turned to face the desk, leaning on it and looking rather dominating.

"You ask me to play matchmaker for a vampire that is in a dynasty? She can do her own dirty work; I can assure you that it won't be difficult."

"I ask that you fix the mess that your son made, in a nice way that makes her feel loved."

He glared at me, I shrugged and tried to look away. It wasn't easy.

"How do you plan on accepting a deal from me and not be a demon?"

"Because you will put that in the deal, it is just simple words that are tailored to the demand. I'm sure you can handle it."

My mind hissed, oohing that it was a sneaky blow from Emily to my father. He frowned and I knew that his anger was growing. The devil was one that liked a good debate, he was happy to negotiate when it came to the deals but this wasn't normal. He was negotiating a deal with an angel who knew how to get through and around the loop holes. She knew she could ask a lot of him and pay little for the deal. She knew that she could ask not to be in service to him. That was one loophole that he never told anyone, ever.

"You expect a deal from the devil and to not answer him as if he were your master?"

"Do you expect your son's partner to address you in such a way?"

Emily smiled at my father again, offering large doe eyes. His face winced as he looked at her, unable to figure her out.

"What I ask is not unreasonable. It will benefit your son and our life together, it will fix the minor issue with Chloe and it ensures that life in our future is not awkward. Considering that her parents are high level staff members, I would have thought that you would want this for Chloe. If you won't do it for me, do it for her parents."

His eyes narrowed harder at her, I could see the angry lip twitching. Emily was playing hardball and using my father's own emotions and friendship with Nick and Rowan against him.

"I want to be in this world and I can't do that without the spell breaking. You asked me if I wanted to be here with Brannon and my answer is still yes. You have the ability to grant that, don't look at me as if I'm asking the world of you. Just make your son happy."

Oh Em, low blow. My mind was laughing, trying to hide my amusement was difficult. Glancing at my mother, she was grinning madly.

"Oh Anton." She scolded him. "Just give her the damned deal and be done with it."

He calmed, turning to my mother with a dull smile.

"You make it seem so simple my love but like I said earlier, I am not the only one that controls the deals. We shall wait and see what arrives, then we will discuss it further."

The parchment thumped to the base of the tube, my father stood and unfurled it. Frowning as he read it, he clipped it into the lectern and turned to Emily with a smile.

"It would seem that fortune favours you today Emily. The deal is as you have asked, please come and sign it."

"Uh, how will I know that you're not tricking me? How about you break the spell as a gesture of good faith?"

Instantly his eyes narrowed at her and I wanted to shrink into my seat. Now was not the time to piss him off.

"How do I know you won't back out of the deal?"

Good grief, we're going to have a standoff this soon?

"Either you sign the deal or you don't get it, it's simple. I'm sure you can understand that Emily."

She grinned, his dastardly words amused her.

"How about I half sign it, you break the spell and I'll sign the rest of it."

"No." He said simply. "What you fail to see is that even one mark on the deal is considered a signature. You can't half sign something and finish it off later. So either you come over and sign it or I throw it into the waste with the rest of the deals that were not accepted."

Reluctantly she stood, walked to the deal and read it.

"How do I know you won't back out of the deal?"

"You won't," My father said with a smug attitude. "That's the fun of making a deal with the devil." 

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