Chapter 63: Brannon

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We were resting in the heat of the day, the island paradise that wasn't that far from where we had been. I guess I could have changed hotels but a part of me liked the thrill of the chase. To have them trying to figure me out, scratching their heads with confusion, I loved it.

So here we were, resting and recuperating. Chloe was sprawled out, asleep on the bed as the air conditioning worked hard. It would have been nice to have the windows open for the beautiful tropical breeze to float through but I had a nocturnal creature asleep beside me. The glare from the sun off the water was too much for her and so, the shutters had to be closed.

Chloe and I still hadn't had sex; it was one of those things that we both craved but knew better. The risk was too high and for us at this point in our lives, it was one that would be child free. I didn't need a vampire with her head in the toilet bowl because of morning sickness, or worse, craving more than the usual blood. Chloe's intake was already high; I didn't need it to get worse.

My eyes lingered over her naked curves, the powdery pink skin that was luscious and tempting. But for all that she captivated me, there was only one that held my heart. Feeling morose, I stood from the bed and dressed, wandering out of the bedroom to the lounge room.

Closing off the room to maintain the darkness, I left her to sleep the day away. I could go on for a long time without sleep but Chloe couldn't. She'd been awake for far too long already, jumping time zones and countries had left her body ravaged and desperate for regeneration. I could see it in her eyes when we arrived here, the tempting thoughts of misbehaviour were washed away when I saw the sleepy gaze. Even though she knew she was tired, Chloe thought that I needed my gratification because I'd not finished at the hotel. I didn't care, so pretending that all was well, I insisted that we laid down on the bed. Taking it slow and easy, I lulled her into a sleep.

Crossing the room to the bar fridge, I searched out a bottle of juice to drink. As I stood at the window, I looked out the window and soaked in the view. It was incredible but awful as well. All it did was remind me of the island paradise that Emily and I had planned for our future home. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the house plans she had drawn and wondered if there was a time when she ever truly cared.

"Are you really drinking juice, Bran?"

I turned around, startled at the voice. Emily sauntered over, looking sharp in a suit that framed her curves.

"Or is there alcohol in that bottle?"

Shaking my head, I carefully slipped the piece of paper into my pocket.

"How did you find me?"

Emily smiled as she leaned on the wall, shaking her head at the amusement.

"I am not going to tell you that. You might escape, then I won't be able to find you again."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to end the death Bran. You are better than this, you don't need to do this to get their attention."

I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"It doesn't matter anyway, you're too busy with your lover boy to care. Go back to him Em, clearly he's better than me."

"Well I can't do that, I don't want him. Your father is really pissed off and Chloe's dad is ready to hang you from the nearest tree. And if that's not enough to make you see reason, then think about everyone else. Your mother was crying because she found out what you've done. Hell is suffering tremors that is making your home shake, your sisters are terrified. It's not just heaven that is struggling Bran, hell is too. You need to make this right again. It's not about you and me anymore, this is so much larger than you realise. The trinity is breaking because you haven't been home in several days. You're letting heaven win; do you want that?"

She stepped closer to me, the proximity was unbearable. All I wanted was to hold her again, to love her the way that I'd done not so long ago. It was tearing me apart to be faced with the woman that I loved and couldn't have.

Emily pressed her hand to my heart, the other wiped the line of red from under my eyes. One solitary tear, shed for the suffering that I had inadvertently unleashed upon my loved ones. Emily had struck a low blow, she knew that mentioning them would cause anguish, maybe enough to make me stop.

"What do you want Bran?" She whispered.

"I told you what I want."

Offering a pained smile, she looked at me as if to say that I could want it until the end of the world and it wouldn't do any good.

"Come home Bran, please. Your family misses you, your mom wants to know you're okay."

I looked into those sweet purple eyes, wishing they weren't purple. It was sad to say that I couldn't look at them any longer. Putting the empty container into the trash, I took one last look at her, if only to remember the pain she caused me.

"Stay here, I'll get my stuff."

Emily pressed her lips together with a smile. I wandered into the bedroom and closed the door, quickly collecting my clothes and dressing. With a wriggle of my fingers, Chloe was dressed again and in my arms. As I drifted us into the air, I left the house plans on the bed with a note written on the back of it.

I didn't need an essay to convey how I felt. She knew it already, so I offered three simple words that was enough. I love you.

I wasn't ready to return. I wasn't finished. There was so much left to ponder and considering that heaven was still standing, I knew that there was still a job to be done.

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