Chapter 23: Brannon

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While we were gone, Luca actually ventured out from between Kelsey's legs and collected fire wood. The sun never fully set in hell, like some kind of kick in the teeth that the damned could never find the solitude and calm of the darkness. But the sun lowered enough to bring an almost darkness, shining a red sheen across the calm water with the rich dark blue sky above us.

Kelsey had found marshmallows and was roasting them over the fire that they'd made. We'd brought over deck chairs and settled in for a night of sitting by the bonfire. Emily had climbed onto my lap and had fallen asleep pretty fast. I found something with this gesture that was oddly settling, I couldn't comprehend it completely but I liked how easily she could fall asleep in my arms.

When Luca and Kelsey had enough of the fire they wandered back to the guest house and all I could think was that he was a lucky bastard. That contraception actually worked for him. For me and for Emily, we were not so lucky. What the reason was exactly, I don't know. All I knew was that they all failed and that the only effective contraception for a deity was abstaining.

We might be lucky, our bodies were set to our own clocks that dictated our fertility. For my parents, their own fertility had come years apart. Cara was fifteen, a good three years younger than me. Delaney was eight and number four was due any day now. Emily and I might sync today, it might be in a week. It might be several years before our bodies tune into each other and ready us for a child. My mother had fallen pregnant with me almost instantly, a warning that my father suggested that I take extremely seriously. She had been an immortal human for only a few hours when I was created, that's how fast they synced. There was no indication as to when it would happen so I couldn't risk it.

Emily shifted on me, humming with amusement as she snuggled into the crook of my neck.

"How long have they been gone for?"

"About ten minutes."

Definitely not long enough to go near the place. I'd put them out in the guest house in the hope that I wouldn't have to listen to their mating call but I feared that it wouldn't be far enough.

She sat up and looked at me, exuding so much need that I found it difficult to resist her.

"There's an alcove on the other side of the island."

Did I really say that?

Emily stood with a smile, holding her hand out.

"Lead the way."

I stood, wrapping my arms around her as my wings extended out and lifting us into the air. As my feet touched the cool sand, I let go of Emily. Her eyes widened to the view of the beach. Because the sun had dropped to the horizon on the other side of the island, it was darker here than anywhere else. It was like it was actually night. The water looked black, there was no moon to glisten over the surface, not even a sun could reach it.

Through the trees we got limited light from the sun, it was scant at best. But it was enough to give enough light to see what was around us, to see each other and to see the fallen angel removing her bikini top.

Her gaze caught mine as she looked over her shoulder, the cheeky smirk made my heart beat harder. Two fingers hooked under the bikini bottoms, flicking them over her hips and letting them fall to the ground.

"Shit." I whispered.

I watched the svelte figure move towards the water, the shadowed outline that glinted with red over her back before moving out of the reach of the sun. There was no helping this poor man, he was lost to his carnal desire. The pants were off before I could even contemplate the consequences of our actions. Following Emily into the water, I slipped into the warm water, searching for her.

A spurt of water from behind made me spin around, I saw the darkened figure moving to me. Her arms wrapped around me as our bodies pressed together, kissing with a deep need. My fingers slid along her spine, my mind daring them to move to where I really wanted them to go.

Fear gripped me as I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop. There wouldn't be just one time, I knew that once we started down this path, we would never turn back.

Then there was the fear for what this was, it seemed impossible that the son of the devil had not even touched a woman at eighteen years of age but it was true. I could have had countless demon women at any time since I turned eighteen, they strutted around the underworld with so much attitude and now that my father was off the menu, they all looked at the next one down.

Yet I'd not gone there. Why? It didn't interest me. Or rather, they didn't interest me.

My hands had behaved themselves, ignoring my mind and settling on her hips. Like she was tuned to my mind, Emily took a hand and lifted it to her breast, pressing the palm to the flesh and moulding it to the curve. The pads of my fingers pressed to the skin, feeling the tender and supple body.

"This is dangerous Em." I whispered.

"So let go."

"You're kidding, right?"

She chuckled, taking my hands and pulling me to the shore.

"It's okay." She said as she sat onto the sand.

The water lapped around her, gently she tugged my hand to sit beside her.

"We'll just have to stop."

I leaned in and kissed the curve of her neck, whispering that I wouldn't be able to. My hand slid down the exterior of her thigh, feeling her body shiver at my touch. As I watched my hand cross over her stomach, Emily kissed over my neck, begging me not to stop.

I looked down at the naked body in front of me, laying before me and more than ready for everything that I had. It was a risk, a serious one but I couldn't help it.

I was a fool.

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