Chapter 51: Brannon

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After listening to Luca and his cautious questioning of my mood, I dried off and wandered to the window to gaze upon the beauty of the city, the same city that Emily was in. Coherence had found me, enough to remind me of Luca's words of how Emily was with another angel. They were smiling and laughing, looking as if it was a date. For all the anger I could have, I found none. Why? Maybe that was because I'd been in a hot tub with a nearly naked vampire, ready to pounce upon her with my own lust.

But to think that Emily hadn't bothered to tell me any of it stung just a little. She could have called and said that it was for the best that we weren't together any more, that it didn't matter that we'd made plans for a long life together or that we'd been each other's first. My heart was broken but still I stood as if I didn't care. Holding it together, I listened to Luca's questions of my mood.

"It's fine Luca." I said calmly. "She is right. I cannot reside anywhere other than hell, I am the final piece of the trinity and until the spell has been lifted from her, Emily cannot enter hell. It is clear that heaven has made this final attempt to bring hell down through her and I can see it all so clearly now. Her warnings to you were valid and I think if anything, she should be commended for it. It is obvious that she still cares for me and my world and for that, I am grateful."

"You're taking this too well Bran."

I turned and looked at him, offering a plain face that had him worried.

"I know Luca and it will surface soon enough but for now, this is how it is."

"You're not you, Bran. You're almost like your father. This cool and calm thing doesn't suit you. You're supposed to be young and reckless, you are the son of the devil, all things evil yet you're just accepting that she's ditched you."

He was right, as usual. Somehow Luca managed to find the right spot and pull it to the surface, exposing it to the light for everyone to see.

"So what would you suggest, if this is not appropriate?"

With a huff, he shrugged.

"I don't know man, just get dressed so we can ditch this place."

Luca and Kelsey wandered out of the room, leaving me to search for my clothes. I opened the door to the bathroom, forgetting that Chloe was still here. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, she was already dressed.

"Sorry." I murmured, turning away.

I could hear the click of her shoes over the tiles as she walked closer.

"Bran." She said softly. "You're only making it more difficult for yourself. Either you fight for her or let her go, don't linger in this land of misery."

She lifted onto her tip toes, kissing me on the cheek.

"You're going to be okay, you just need to move forward, not backwards."

I looked at Chloe, even though there was sadness in those pretty green eyes, I still saw a happy smile on her face. She was doing her damnedest to be a friend rather than continuing to push me into a place that she thought I didn't want to be. So of course, I had to change that. It was in my nature to push everything to the limit.

My hand gripped the curve of her neck, pressing her to the wall. Chloe's eyes widened as I kissed her, hard and fervent. Slowly she relaxed into the passionate kiss, wrapping her arm over my shoulder, her fingers lacing into the wet strands of my hair. The other hand pressed against my chest, sliding down my stomach.

Our tongues danced as our lips moulded together, Chloe moaned softly. Her hand found the edge of my towel, loosening it and letting it drop to the floor. As her fingers toyed with the waistband of my shorts, I pulled from the kiss. My heart was racing, my chest rising hard and fast.

Chloe smirked, one side pressing deep into her cheek as she looked at me with heat. With one powerful move, the vampire pushed me to the wall behind, slamming me into plaster. She walked to me with a swing in her hips, coolly oozing her seduction. Passing the door, she flicked the lock and stopped before me.

I'd never been so turned on, ever. Demon women walked around hell as if they were the only creature on this planet that could fulfil a man's needs. Even if they were few in numbers, they still thought they were the pinnacle of lust. I'd watch them and wonder what they were like but never wanted to venture to them. There was something about them that I found rather dull, they were boring and I didn't think that they could entertain my desires.

But with this woman, I saw someone that didn't need to beg a man to look at her, she had their lecherous gaze already.

"Chloe." I rasped.

She said nothing, just running one lone nail down my stomach. Reaching the waistband again, the finger turned under the elastic and tugged it down. Her smile twitched harder as her hooded gaze lowered. The soft material slid down my legs, falling to my ankles. Heat rose in my face as Chloe took hold of me, teasing me with hard strokes.

Wildness filled her eyes as she lifted her gaze to me, in an instant she dropped to her knees. I groaned as she took me deep, hissing out how good she was. Looking down at her was a mistake, I watched as she dragged her tongue up my length, the playful smile was incredible. Swirling that tongue around the tip, she lapped and lashed the warm, wet heat over me.

"Fuck." I groaned, feeling the surge.

Her hand slid up and down, those sweet pink lips pressed deep as she followed the path of her hand, continuing her oral assault. When I couldn't hold back any longer, I let go, groaning rather loudly.

In one moment of hedonistic pleasure, I truly believed that I'd killed any chance of having a happy life with Emily.

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