Chapter 89: Brannon

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The monkey was an excuse, a lame one but it had worked. My being a pain in the ass wasn't working and I wanted Emily to order me out of the house so that I could talk to Luca without her hearing it. We stopped at a small clearing, Luca knew that I wanted us away from the house and he probably knew why too.

"I've got to lessen the amount of time Chloe comes down here."

Luca nodded like he agreed.

"It's not just about me or what happened, it's about Em. She knows that things happened and she looks at Chloe and it's all that she can see. We need time to repair what we are and Chloe hanging around isn't helping."

"Yeah, I know. The boyfriend will keep her occupied. I'll make some suggestions of places they can go rather than following us here. And I'll say something to my parents so that it's not always me."

Luca huffed as he frowned at me.

"You screwed up big time Bran, you're lucky your old man was able to wipe her memories."

"Yeah, I know."

But there was a small bonus to it, Chloe no longer looked at me with intent. She saw me as a friend and nothing more.

Hearing the monkeys arc up, I turned to the sounds of their protests and saw my father walking through the undergrowth. It was an odd sight, a man in a full suit walking through the jungle.


Stepping out into the clearing, I knew he had come here to say something to me. Given that my mother and my sisters weren't here, I'd say that my mother was keeping Emily occupied which was a worrying thought.

"Brannon, I need to discuss something about Emily with you."

He glanced at Luca and I shrugged.

"It's cool."

"Alright. I've been monitoring Emily over the past few days, watching how the changeover has progressed and ensured that things are moving along as they should be. I wanted to ensure that things were right before I said anything. When I was doing the changeover, I noticed something was wrong with her body. It's not a common thing to happen but I guess that considering she was a created angel, errors could happen."

"What's wrong with her?"

His face was plain as he looked at me, slowly the sadness crept into his eyes.

"She had no reproductive system."

It felt like all of hell shattered around me, for a moment I felt like falling to the ground in a mess but then anger took over because I knew this wasn't an error. This was intentional.

"They did this on purpose." I growled angrily.

"Oh I agree." My father said dryly. "When I realised that I stopped the process, froze everything and consulted an old friend about the situation. The deal didn't specify being a mother to your children or to anyone's children and I knew that I had to find a loophole somewhere otherwise I wouldn't be able to help. We discussed the deal and the terms of the words used within the deal and you will be happy to know that we were able to fix the issue on a technicality. A fallen angel, one that is like you and your siblings, one that is an entire fallen angel. Emily in the state that she was in, was not entire, she was lacking in something. So based on that one word, I was granted permission to fix her."

"So she's alright now?"

My father grimaced painfully, nodding and then shaking his head.

"She has the parts necessary to create children but you must remember, she was changed to be like you and your siblings, a fallen angel from birth. That means that her body should have grown from a newborn child to an adult and from there the body stops the aging process. The body is already at that stage but that one little section has to grow like a normal deities body."

"So she won't be able to have children until it's fully grown?"

He nodded, offering a sympathetic smile.

"At least fifteen years I'm afraid. This is how a born deities body works Brannon, you nor any of your siblings can have children until you get to fifteen years of age. After that it is when your body is ready. On the bright side, it will give the two of you time to be young and free, to live your lives as a couple and get to know each other completely. You will have time to make the changes to this world and when the time comes, you will be ready for many children."

It was like he could see the despair on my face. I wanted them now, I didn't want to wait. Fifteen years wasn't a guarantee; it could be more than that. His hand gripped my shoulder firmly, giving me an intense but loving stare.

"You are immortal Brannon, trust me when I say that you do not need to rush into this life. You are still a child yourself, allow the time to pass and grow up, become a good man that understands that somethings aren't meant to be and waiting is sometimes necessary."

I nodded, wishing that I could change the situation. As he crushed me into a hug, I looked at Luca who was probably wishing he had gone for a walk instead of staying to listen to my dreams being temporarily crushed.

But the worst part of it all was that I was going to have to tell Emily, I couldn't keep this from her. Like me she would be waiting for our moment and the years would pass without a reason for the child's absence from our lives. Our bodies might dictate when we had children but I knew the first one always came fast. If things were right with her body, she should have been pregnant by now.

Releasing me from his grip, my father smiled as his head lifted and turned towards the house.

"Sounds like Delaney and Cara are about to kill each other again. Sure you want children? You can have your sisters if you like."

"I do but you can keep your own."

He chuckled, turning to the walk through the jungle. Luca and I followed, I was going to brave the nightmare and tell Emily everything and Luca was probably going to run away. For a brief moment, I wished that I could run away with him.

But that wasn't fair on Emily, I had to be strong for her. There was nothing I could do to change it, I just had to let her vent her anger and sadness and wait until she fell into my arms to cry.

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