Sunlight & Kitten's -Poofless-

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It was late afternoon in the household of the young and loving couple. The two both at work, recording videos for here and there.

Once and awhile the two would create small conversations, but didn't seem to have the right amount of time to carry on a heavy one.
They were quite content with their lifestyle, and all was well working smoothly. No interruptions, nothing to be a bother while working.

That was until the younger male decided to go and buy a flippin kitten.


Soft, adorable purrs and meowing were heard under the desk of one owner. It really wasn't the time, he was trying to record.

He groaned slightly and paused his recording, looking down at the small black and white kitten. His head shook lightly as he gently picked up the tiny thing and carried it over to his boyfriends recording room.

The door slowly opened and the elder kindly placed the kitten in the room before locking it and jogging back to his office. From across the hall he could hear the loud and girly 'awes' coming from the room where the pet was placed.

As he resumed his recording he could faintly hear the creak of a door opening and closing. Preston probably finished already. He thought to himself grinning slightly.


Rob had finally finished his recording and was almost done editing it.
"Robbieeeee." He heard a voice whine, it was Preston.

"Yes Preston?" Rob responded spinning his desk chair in circles.

"When you are going to be done?" The younger yelled back, wandering around the main room of their apartment, bored out of his mind {A/N: I feel you Preston}

"I'm just about done, I'll be out soon babe." He replied, turning his chair back and completing the editing.

The video was finally finished and rendering which meant Rob was free for now. His taller more slim body skipped out of the office and into the kitchen where his boyfriend was making food with their cat wrapped around his feet.

Rob cooed at the sight, the baby kitten and his lovely boyfriend in one sitting was to much.
He walked over to Preston and wrapped his arms around his waist, placing small kisses on his cheek and ears.

Preston's face turned a light shade of pink, blushing at the touch. "Ah Robbie staph I'm trying to make food here" He says, shooing his partner off and continuing to make food.

"Fine fine." Rob huffs, sitting himself on the island centered in the kitchen.

The once flashing sun was now dimming as it was setting, turning the Texas sky into a beautiful orange and red colour. It was simply breath taking.

-{}- Skip to the Next morning, cause they decided to sleep early -{}-

Morning had come quite early for the sleeping couple, the sun shined through the shades of the blinds, wiping the older from his sight for a quick second.

He rubbed his eyes gently, and blinked a few times before noticing that there was a meager kitten sprawled across his chest. His eyes suddenly widened at the cuteness.

The small kitten's eyes fluttered open slowly and the tiny thing perked up immediately. His narrow body jumped over to Rob's face, and pawing at it lightly.

Slight moving was felt beside the elder as his smaller boyfriend started awakening after being hidden in his boyfriend's side, smiling lightly at how adorable the kitten and Rob were.

"Morning." Preston spoke, quietly and cutely.

"Good morning beautiful." Rob replied, kissing the younger's forehead softly.

"That kitten will kill me someday." Preston stated, placing his head in the crook of Rob's neck.

"I know, it's to cute." He said, continuing to play with the kittens little paws.

From that day on, that is roughly how the two would awake, every morning.
The sun would shine a golden colour, dancing through the blinds of their room, leaving a light glow on the two. After the sun would awake them, their kitten would come strutting in, and would enjoy the morning affection he would always get.

This couple loved routine, and a routine is what the had.


Holy f*ck I am here, with a shitty one shot! Yayyy meee.

I don't know when I'll be back :)) It's kinda like playing Peeka boo. You never know when I'm gonna come out and getcha with an amazing one shot :P

I love all you beautiful humans, ducks, squirrels whatever you are.

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