Photographs -Vikklan-

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Oh god looking back at this now makes me cringe. I could re write this a lot better now xD Welp here's some cringy writing about my OTP :) -Emma October 18th 2k15 xox :P

Lachlan's P.O.V

Today Vikk and I were determent to tell the rest of the pack, about us. We had to do it now before we all go back to different countries. It really sucked being so far from all your friends, but it sucked mostly being over 10,000 miles away from your boyfriend. Vikk lived in England and I lived in Australia. 

I was sat on the bed in the room Vikk and I had to share, when Vikk walked in. "Hey there Little Lachy" He smiles and sits beside me.

"Why Hello Icky-Sticky-Vicky" I return the smile and wrap my arm around his waist, he nudges his head in the crook of my neck. His breath tickles my neck, it's times like this where I wish time would stop and I could be here with him forever.

We've been sitting here for a little while now, which I didn't mind at all, of course the moment had to be ruined. "Vikklan, come down! We're planning out our day!" Preston yells.

"Chill Mate, we're coming" I respond lifting Vikk's chin up with my fingers, I gently place a small kiss on his lips and get up. "You're such a tease" Vikk whines, which makes me chuckle. "Come on Vicky there calling us" He sighs and follows me downstairs.

Sitting in the living room is, Merome and Poofless, whenever we're all together we call everyone by there ship names, so if you want to see Rob and Preston you yell 'Poofless' and same with Merome. So far out of the two ships only one is real, Poofless. They told us about them about a month ago, now we're just waiting on Merome. It's obvious they both like each other, there just way to oblivious. 

Vikk and I sat ourselves down on the floor beside Merome. "So what's the plan for today?" Vikk asks breaking the silence.

"You'll have to wait and see" Mitch says

"Why can't we knowwww" I whine

"Cause we know how much Vikklan hates not knowing what we're doing" Rob chimes in (I chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of closing a god damn door -Emma). Vikk and I both groan and follow the rest of the boys outside.  "Off we go to the first stop!" Jerome yelled jumping on Mitch's back. Mitch led the way and we ended up at a park. The park was very petite, which was cute. The 6 of us split up, Preston and Rob, Mitch and Jerome, and Vikk and I. 

Vikk grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to a hill. We stood there admiring the view in each others embrace, my arms wrapped around his waist as he leans his torso into my chest. I could Vikk relax, as his back hit my chest, he's been stressed a lot lately, mostly because of the whole Vikklan thing. As I started to drift into daydreaming land I swear I heard a click of a camera, I was about to turn around to see if someone was there but then Vikk pulled me closer to him, so I couldn't move.

A few minutes after we heard Jerome's irritating scream, "LACHLAN,VIKK COME ON WE'RE LEAVING" I sighed and unwrapped my arms from the small brits body. 

"Now off to the next stop" Preston yelled jumping on Rob's back,  doing exactly what Jerome did to Mitch. We walked all the way down town when we arrived at a miniature, older, music shop. The shop was filled with CD's and older records. Much like at the park we all split up into two's. Vikk and I started to look around, we found one of our favourite band's old albums, Take this to your grave by Fall out Boy. 

While we were looking around, I checked to make sure no one was around, when I saw that the coast was clear I grabbed Vikk's wrist and turned him towards me, I then cupped his face and smashed our lips together. He was shocked at first but then gradually melted into the kiss. "What was that for?" He asks once we pulled away,

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