Preferences {2}

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Yep this again


Your name in his phone -Sidemen-

Simon: Ms Minter
JJ: bby gurl
Ethan: Giggle girl
Tobi: Beautiful human
Harry: Wroetobae
Vikk: Babestar321
Josh- Gorgeous


His favorite thing about you {Not feature} -The Pack-

Mitch: That you have many different sides, you can be excited one moment and then the next you can be extremely serious. He finds that incredibly adorable

Jerome: That you always steal his things and wears them whenever you're with him, especially his hats or shades

Preston: That you're always up for cuddling no matter where you are, you wouldn't mind if he cuddled you.

Rob: That you're always so kind to everyone, or anyone. Rob finds that seriously attractive

Lachlan: That you always have some sort of random-ass come back that is always hilarious. Lachlan finds this one of the most amazing things ever

Vikk: How whenever he brings you something, you squeal and say "thank you" in multiple different accents. Vikk finds this super cute and funny.


His Lock screen -Sidemen-

Simon- You on his shoulders

Ethan: You hiding your face in his arm as you to laugh hysterically

Josh: A selfie with him hugging you from behind

JJ: You posing while wearing all Beast merch {eg. Hat, over sized t shirt etc}

Harry: Him grabbing your waist from behind and picking you up

Vikk: You holding out his Diamond sword and wearing his Steve head with him laughing from behind

Tobi: You sitting on his back as he does push ups, instead of the football ball being there.


Where he takes you on a date -Pack-

Mitch- Bowling then a small trip to Tim Hortons :D {Just pretend he still lives in Canada}

Rob: He set up a cute little stay at home, movie night, cuddle by the fire kind of night

Preston: A nice walk on the beach, then a cute picnic

Vikk: First eats dinner at Nandos {Of course} then, to the cinema to see a film

Lachlan: A trip canoeing, then going to see Kangaroo's {Hehe :D}

Jerome: To a small nature themed cafe


His favorite pick up line -Sidemen-

Vikk: I'm not a photographer, but I can picture you and I together {Ha funny}

Harry: I've seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours? {Smooth Harry :|}

Josh: Are you my appendix? Cause I have this funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out {I so want someone to use this on me xD}

Simon: Does your left eye hurt? Cause you've been looking right all day {No words}

JJ: Sorry but you owe me a drink [Why?] Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine {I can see him doing this}

The Pack One-Shots :DWhere stories live. Discover now