T h a t g i r l

210 14 13

*Warning* Read at your own choice


This is a girl, an average girl people may think.....

She's been called beautiful
and more....

This girl is the definition of perfect, you're all possibly thinking. But what if I told you, this girl isn't perfection. What if I told you.....

This girl is confused

This girl suffers from loads of anxiety

This girl is afraid

This girl is attempting to be perfection

This girl is working herself way to hard

This girl is stressing herself, to be perfect

This girl is two faced

This girl is afraid to let people down

This girl, is faking her school life, to come across as happy

This girl could be emotionally abusing herself

This girl is having panic attacks almost every night

This girl may only have a few things that can genuinely make her smile

This girl drowns her thoughts in music

This girl is fake

This girl is a reflection of what she never wanted to be


Now what do you think of when you see her? Take another look?

What I see... is

This girl is suffering.


This girl is me.

She is suffering, but that's not your problem. It's the girls, it's mine.

If this girl, me, ever says she's available to talk, she's not kidding. She means it, no matter what hell she's going through, she'll be there for any of you.

Whenever you need to talk to someone, and you come to this girl. All her problems go behind you two, and it's all about you.

If I am to look back at her one last time, I say....

This girl is strong.


Be strong, for anyone and everyone

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