Friendships and Parties..? -Noochzahhutt-

141 14 8

Word count- 1609
Long one :), but good one :D

~Age: 5~

"Matt! Give toy back" The young brown haired boy yelled, looking towards his "best-friend" who suddenly stole his little blue block. A smirk was playing on his tiny pink lips. Minutes of the young boy yelling had passed, and Matt didn't move an inch.
"Fine" Brandon huffed, "I guess we'll just stop being friends then" He finished starting to walk into the kitchen where his shorter mother was sitting.

The older child's expression changed instantly, "No Brandon! Wait" He yelled running towards his friend and grabbing his arm. "I'm sworry, here" Matt pouted and gave his friend his toy back.

"Thank yous Noochms!" Brandon exclaimed, hugging his best friend tightly. "We'll never stop being friends, I promise!"

~Age: 10~

These two boys were inseparable, always together, doing all the same things.
Skateboarding together
Playing Video games together
Just being with each other.

Both kids were in sixth grade, same class of course. Teachers knew how much these boys loved each other {Platonically}. They worked the best together, on every project.

"Petey!" Matt yelled looking for his friend, as they played hide and seek in the park nearest to Matt's house. Soft giggles could be heard from behind a tree where a smaller boy was crouched.
Matt smirked and jumped around the tree, finding his hunched over best friend.

"Awe dang, you found me" Brandon laughed, standing up beside Matt. Matt slung his arm over Brandon's shoulder as they walked back to Matt's house, before the night time struck. Matt was secretly never a fan of the night.

On the other hand, the younger boy beside him very much enjoyed the night time. Gazing at the stars and big bright moon.
Matt slipped the boys hands together as they walked, smiling at the feeling of the warmth. Brandon was surprised at the touch, but blushed as Matt smiled at him.
"We're gonna be best friends, forever and ever" Matt said poking his friends side and laughing.

Brandon had these feelings, that he couldn't explain. These feelings were starting to confuse the young boy immensely.

~Age: 12~

Summer before eighth grade, the two friends were having one of their last sleep overs before school was going to start. Matt wanted it to be the best, so he did everything he could so the two would have fun.
They went to the park, ate chocolate all night, watched movies on end, and stayed up till about two am.

Matt and Brandon were the closest of all their friends, and definitely the most comfortable with each other. It was about 1:55 am and Brandon was half passed out on the couch, Matt decided it would be best to carry his friend up to his bedroom, so he could be comfortable.

Once Brandon was placed in his light green bed, Matt started to leave the room, but he was pulled to a stop as something grabbed his wrist. "Wha-?" He started, "Stay with me Matt" A sleepy Brandon said. It took Matt a minute to think about what his "Best-friend" had just said, he just shrugged it off and dipped into the bed with Brandon. The younger moved closer to Matt and cuddled into his friend's chest. Matt gulped, new to the whole cuddly feeling. He soon wrapped his arms around his best friend and slipped into slumber himself.

~Age: 15~

It was the beginning of tenth grade {What a skip}, Matt and Brandon barely had any classes together. Which was shocking for them, since they'd been in the same class/classes for the past almost 9 years.
Luckily the boys had at least two classes together, the two being Mathematics and Geography.

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