3 am -Poofless-

437 26 6

Finally A Poofless One!

Word Count- 1064

Preston's P.O.V

Why me? Why am I always the one to be stuck in the worst positions, it's like the world hates me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell, I haven't yelled at someone in so long. Why can't I ever just be alone. He never leaves!

"Preston p-please d-don't d-do what I-I t-think y-your gonna d-do" He stutters

"I'M NOT!" I yell

"P-Preston p-please I j-just w-want to t-talk to y-you" I can hear him whimper. He's just pitying me.

"Rob please! Just leave me" I say more calmer

"No! I'm never going to leave you!" He replies . Yeah right, I bet your going to go run off to your girlfriend and forget I even exist. He doesn't understand! I love him! And he'll never love me back.

"Rob, just fucking leave me! Go back to her!" I snap

"She cheated on me" He says bluntly

"W-What?" I stutter, I feel so bad now. But I'm also happy, I might have a chance. If I wasn't locked in my bathroom right now I would give him a hug, but I'm not leaving.

"She. cheated. on. me" He repeats

"Rob-" I start, "No it's fine!" He cuts in, "Can you please explain to me why your locked in your bathroom at almost 3am" He adds

"Erm, you won't care"

"Of course I will Preston I'm your best friend" Best friend hit me hard, it's like that's all we'll ever be.

"Rob Just Leave me Be!" I yell, my voice cracking mid sentence.

"Why is it whenever I mention best friend you go all bipolar on me?!" He yells back, that made me think. Did I really get mad whenever he said best friend? Am I that obvious?

"Because-" I couldn't finish, I can't tell him I love him, he'll hate me.

"Preston Please" He pleads, I can basically see the sadness his is beautiful brown eyes.

"I like you" I mumble

"What?" He asks

"I said I love you! I love you Robert Lastsky, and I have for a while now! But you where to busy with your girlfriend to even notice my feelings!" I say lacking the confidence I need right now.

"Preston I... I didn't realize. I feel horrible" Now it was his voice that was cracking, I don't want him to cry over me. He doesn't need to.

"Rob please don't cry over me, I'm not worth your tears" I choke out

"No! Preston your worth everything! Don't put yourself down please! I love too, I've loved you ever since I met you I guess I just got distracted with Taylor (I'm not actually gonna use Rob's real gf cause I really like her and I don't think she would've cheated on him) Please Preston I want to be with you" Rob pleads.

I sit in silence thinking, Rob actually likes me. He fudging likes me. That's crazy. After a while of sitting I uneasily open the bathroom door. I see a broken Rob sitting on the other side, and you don't know how much that breaks my heart. "Rob it's okay" I whisper, slowly sitting down beside him.

"P-Preston?" He says relief lacing through his tone. "I thought you... you know" He says, voice breaking half way through.

"Oh... I wouldn't do that" I whisper

"Preston I'm so sorry" He says

"Rob, there's no need to be sorry"

"But I completely forgot about you, all my attention was directed to Taylor, and not my best friend. How can I not be sorry?"

"Rob that's all in the past" I say, my mood has changed immensely, one moment I was a mess and now I'm the calm one.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"I'm sure, Rob lets just go back to normal" A smile smile appears on his lips

"Why does it have to be normal?"

"Well... if it wasn't normal what would it be?" I'm so confused, what is he talking about?

"I don't want us to be normal" He states

"Okay then what do you want us to be?"

"Poofless" He replies

"Poofless?" I ask

"Yeah I don't want us to be Preston and Rob the best of friends, I want us to be Preston and Rob Poofless the cutest canon couple around" Oh he wants Poofless to be real, that's cute. I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks, I instantly hide my face.

"Awe Preston, your so adorable" He exclaims

"Shut up" I mumble

"So is that a yes on Poofless?" He asks. I look up and meet his gaze.

"Of course you cactus!" I nuzzle my head into his neck as I feel my eyelids go heavy. A small yawn escapes my mouth as I gently rub my eyes.

"Preston can you stop being to adorable" Rob says

"But I'm tried" I reply bluntly

"Okay then lets go to bed" He says, jumping up. I make grabby arms at him, signalling that I'm to lazy to walk.

"I'm not carrying you, but I will give you a piggy back" He says. So I do what he says and jump onto his back. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Please don't drop me" I mumble into his neck

"I wouldn't dream of it" He replies, the littlest things he does can make me smile.

We finally make it up to my room, he sets me down on my bed and gently pulls the covers over my body. He's about to leave when I grab his wrist, "Please stay" I saw barely audible.

"Okay, but only for you" Rob says, slowly climbing into the bed next to me. I can feel a pair of lips against my forehead. "Is that it?" I ask

"What do you mean?" He whispers

"All your gonna do is kiss my head?"

"Not unless you want me to kiss somewhere else" He smirks

"Robbbbb don't make this weird" I whine, which earns a chuckle from his mouth.

"Okay fine Plebston" He replies. Seconds later I can feel a pair of lips meet mine. Instantly I kiss back, I've been waiting for this forever. Our lips fit perfectly together. "Better?" He asks, I nod and hide my face in his chest, to avoid him seeing my blush.

"Awe baby, you don't have to hide your blush, I am your boyfriend. I think it's adorable"

Boyfriend, I could get use to that



This is what you guys deserve! Hope you enjoy :)


The Pack One-Shots :DOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora