Truth or Dare: Chapter 31

Depuis le début


So he didn’t forget, I thought, turning over to my laptop again.

Ethan: u suck 

Kylie: thanks *note the sarcasm*

Ethan: sarcasm noted

Unsure how to respond, I finally plucked up the courage to shut down the tab, focus, Kylie.  With a big sigh, I turned back towards my Spanish study guide, scanning down the list to find the word I was on.

I love finals.


With flourish, I sat down my pencil, stretching out my arms luxuriously and stared impatiently at the second hand of the school clock, positive that it must have been broken.  Deciding that triple checking won’t hurt, I picked up my paper again, rereading what I had written for the third time.

I was currently sitting in my last period; Spanish.  Surprisingly, the test was quite easy, minus a few short answer questions.  Inwardly, I relaxed slightly, knowing that there was no way I could have possible gotten anything less than an A on the exam.  With that confident notion in mind, my thoughts drifted to something that was much more important, in my opinion, than the exam I currently took.

Summer Break.

Summer Break brought several things to mind: sun, staying up late, sleeping in, hot, and most importantly, no school.

Back in Vegas when it was summer break, I didn’t really do anything besides sleep, eat, and waste my entire life away on the computer, unless on those rare occasions someone’s parents could take the time to drive us anywhere and pick us up.  But these were quite rare and far separated.  Summer in Vegas is pretty lonesome, unless you could drive, which none of us could.

But here, Villa Park, you can go everywhere.  Literally.  Besides, in a week, we were suppose to go to Disneyland: The Happiest Place on Earth.  Since it was the happiest place on Earth, nothing could go wrong, I felt confident of that.  Especially since only Aiden, Chez, Ethan, and I were going.

I originally wanted to invite Ever as well, but decided against it in the end.  Quite frankly, I didn’t want her to be shooting me death glares in the middle of riding Splash Mountain.  I might loose my appetite for the ride and throw up in the water or something.  That just wasn’t my cup of tea.

I ended up not inviting Dustin and Chris mainly because Chris is Dustin’s friend and if I invite Dustin, I’d pretty much be forced to invite Jessica.  She isn’t exactly my notion of ‘happy’ either.

After what seemed like decades later, the bell finally signaled the end of the day, releasing us for three month from the bleak, white walls of the school.  I jumped up from my seat, just like the rest of the class and hastily turned my paper in, mumbling an ‘adios’ to the teacher and walked out of the school, saying goodbye to whoever did the same for me.

“Summer!”  Chez screamed, throwing her arms around me in a bear hug and making me jump a foot into the air once I got out of the school.

“Give me a heart attack,”  I groaned, trying to suck in as much air as I could through Chez’s death grip.

“Can you at least pretend to be enthusiastic?”  she let go of me, holding me at arm distance, and studying me closely as if I were an unique specimen.

“Yipee,”  I mumbled, trying my best to sound as unenthusiastic as possible.  She observed me disapprovingly.  “What?”  I said indignantly, pushing past her into a less crowded area. 

She raised her eyebrows silently at me.

“I was excited before you nearly killed me,”  I crossed my arms at her silent treatment.

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