"What? I don't have any-... Oh! The rats... Yeah I have a rat problem." Krystal said. And I sighed in relief.

"Oh. Well it shouldn't be that hard to kill one. I know just the trick" Chen said as he started to walk towards the closet. And just as he touched the handle. Krystal stopped him.

"Wait!" She yelled. And he looked at her surprised. Along with Baekhyun.

"I mean..wait. That isn't a good idea. I keep the closet doors closed so they won't get out. And I have an exterminator coming over tomorrow so don't worry about it" Krystal said.

And I relaxed again. For the third time.

"But that still doesn't explain the person I saw in the window" Baekhyun said. And I face palmed myself.

Why can't I catch a break?

"You saw a person through the window?" Krystal asked.

"Ne. When I was picking up Monggu. I looked up and made eye contact with someone. And would it be weird if I say that his eyes kinda looked like Kai's eyes?" Baekhyun said. And the room grew dangerously silent. Before Krystal spoke up.

"Are you crazy? There's no way that's possible. You were handling his dog. And thought of him. Thats all." Krystal said.

"Your right. I must be overreacting" Baekhyun said before he rubbed his head.

"Pshhh. I mean how can he just suddenly appear in my house? How could any of that be possible?!" Krystal said loudly. And I just stared at her.

I never really thought of how she felt about my resurrection. She must be taking it harder than anybody.

"Yeah......we gotta get going. Do you still want us to leave the dogs here?" Chen asked.

"Ne. I'll try to keep them away from the rats."Krystal said making things even more awkward.

"Okay then. Lets go Chenderella. Suho is wondering where we are" Baekhyun said.

"Now I know why the rats were going crazy" Chen said. And Baekhyun looked at him.


"They probably thought you were one of them" Chen said while laughing.

"Aishh! I outta-" Baekhyun said before he chased Chen out of the room.

Krystal them shut her door and locked it.

"You can come out now" Krystal said.

And I slowly opened the closet door. And walked out. Only to see Krystal staring back at me with an uneasy expression.

"Mian. I didnt think he would see me" I said.

"That's not why I'm looking at you like that"

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"This" Krystal said before she pulled this little sheet of paper out of her pocket and handed it to me.

I took it before reading the odd riddle three times.

"What is this? Where did you get it?" I asked.

"Amber and I found this note in your casket" Krystal said before I stared at her with wide eyes.

"You guys dug up my grave?" I asked and she nodded.

"Well...... did you guys get caught?" I asked.

Its weird how I'm accepting my death.
But I guess I don't have any other choice. Its either that or I was brought back by the tooth fairy.

"Its a long story. But to put it in a simple explanation Jackson dressed up like a woman and we were chased by the guards" Krystal said.

"Jackson was dressed up like a woman?" I asked.

"Ne like a helpless old lady"

"Sounds like Jackson" I said.

"I heard that" Jackson said from the other side of the door.

Krystal then walks over and opens it up to Jackson and Amber.

"Krystal did you ask him?" Amber asked.

"Not yet"

"Ask me what?" I said.

"There's a name in the corner of the note" Krystal said. And I brought the paper up to my face. Only to see the familiar name.


"Do you know who Myungji is?" Krystal asked.

"Yes.....yes I do"

The Broken Goodbye(Exo Kai FF)Where stories live. Discover now