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2 months later...

Everything was so close to coming to an end. We had just one month left before the school year was over. I couldn't help but smile at what was to come in my next life. I shut my locker and walked to my last class of the day. I looked around the room and spotted all the friends that I use to talk to and the friends I was still close with.

I took my seat, with clear signs that my partner wouldn't show up. Everyone had suddenly felt worried for him even in the past when they didn't have a care about his life in the past. It made me contemplate, whether I was the cause for Phil not showing up to school. After all, the girl I love, is the girl very same girl he shared feelings for. I didn't want to crush his heart and tell him we were already dating, but then again, what else could I have done without hurting him.

A month ago, Candice and I were hanging out in the halls during lunch. Ever since we've been sexually active, I found it harder to keep my hands off her. We were screwing around in the hallway and I had her body pressed against the locker. She moaned underneath me as I continued to tug at her lips. I had heard a door close near by, followed by footsteps but I didn't pay it any attention. From my left, I heard a gasp and hands gripped my shoulder, wrenching me away from Candice.

"Candice, are you alright?" I heard the familiar voice shout. I spun from the impact to meet face to face with him. "I was ready to put up..." Phil stopped his rambles once he put two and two together. He was so quiet, his face contorting various expression, the obvious one being anger.

"Is this some type of practical joke?" Phil's eyes danced between Candice and I. I knew something like this would happen once the cat was out the bag.

"Phil, I'm going to need you to relax, ok? I didn't want you want to hurt you or have you find out this way" I spoke to ease the blow a bit but it only added more fuel.

"Ha! Hurt me? I think you did a lot more than that James?" He raised his voice and stomped up to face me. Candice innocently watched in the mist of it all, undoubtedly confused.

"Listen, I love her Phil. How was I supposed to help you in the process?" The guilt was eating me up.

"By telling me the truth from the beginning. You knew I felt the same." He fumed, giving me a quick shove to the chest. I knew I should've said something earlier, but back then Candice and I weren't even official and I didn't want to make assumptions in an unpredictable scenario...

"Ok, what the hell is going on here?" Candice jumped in after witnessing our exchange, but before I could put in a word to explain, Phil interjects.

"This guy, or more like, this backstabber who I thought was my friend, lied to me and made me belief he was actually a good person."


I felt those words form a sharp pang in my chest. I thought Phil was a cool dude but I didn't know it would be hit him so hard.

"Phil, I am so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen, I swear. I feel really bad and I shouldn't have let this escalate." I spoke genuinely. His eyes began to glisten and he immediately lowered his lid once I caught the sight if them.

"Nathan, what did you do to him?" Candice looked to me, but Phil's as flashed with rage this time, once he spotted Candice's hand on me.

"Can we talk about this later?" I suggested but she wasn't letting up

"Just as I figured... the good ol' popular jock does eventually run out of confidence?" Phil mocked.

"Phil, I said I was sorry already. I am fucking sorry that I couldn't tell you that my girlfriend is the one you love and I am so fucking sorry that you couldn't have her. I. Am. SORRY!" That wasn't supposed to come out. Candice, along with Phil's eyes widened in shock. I tried to take it back and apologize for allowing my thoughts to seep through. Candice, was taken aback, once she put two and two together and ended up not talking to me for the rest of the day. Everyone left me standing in the hallway to swim in my emotions, but I couldn't let it get the best of me.

I sat in my chair and took out all of my supplies for class. Our teacher eventually walked in after the final bell and placed his bag on his desk, rummagimg through it, not bothering to acknowledge the rowdy mass of gossiping teens.

"Class." He raised his voice an octave to combat the commotion. The noise slowly fizzled out as everyone turned to give their undivided attention.

"I have unsettling news." He added before looking down at his shoes. The room was motionless, as we awaited the news... "I just came from the main office and the Dean has informed me that someone from the class has been hospitalized after under going surgery for a tumor." I turned to my empty seat and hoped it wasn't himb shouted from the back.

"Yes, Phillip Moretti." The class proceeded to speak at once, chatter and disbelief. I felt sullen.

After attempting to calm down everyone, Mr. Morgan requested if we could all sign a card and pray for Phil's recovery. He had been sych a good friend to me and all I could give back to him was hurt. The card made it's way around the room, finally sliding my way. I onced over at all the different colored marks and signatures. Some simply wrote their name and others drafted long paragraph sized messages. I searched for a space and discovered a tiny spot at the bottom right corner.

Hey man,

I hope you get well soon because I know you're a fighter and only a fighter like yourself will beat this! I know that I put you through so much but trust me when I say you're the most honest and loyal friend I've ever had. I'm so sorry...


I pass the card to a person near me and looked down at my phone. Not a single text message from Candice. I haven't heard from her all day and I know she was alright but I wanted to hear voice.

"OK class, once you have gotten your turn to write on the card, pass it up to the front please and let's get on with the lesson." Mr. Morgan wasn't the sappy type but when it was time for him to react, he would do so appropriately and then move on.

"Today subject will not be too grueling, but I want you to all take out a piece of paper and write me two paragraphs about what plan to do with your life once you've graduate... This isn't a test so this should be pretty easy for most of you." Mr. Morgan glances my way for a brief moment but I quickly looked down at my paper and began to scribble away.

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