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After my last class was over, I sat in my car and thought about how my whole day had played out. I kissed a beautiful girl I didn't know, then her and my ex-girlfriend got into a fight and now all I could do was think about her. I didn't want to sound like a bitch, but I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Something in me wanted me to get to know her. I didn't know how she felt about me from our first meet but I knew one thing. I had to get to know her. Gail and I broke up, not just because of what went on today, but because I recognized how insensitive, mean and prejudice she became over years. Of course, I ignored it for so long to the point where I'd forgotten and today reminded me that I needed to call quits. No excuses.

I went to go look for her after I left Candice and found her near the bathroom with her friends. They were all just like her. Gail 'wannabes' and it was a shame because they all weren't even that pretty. I remember when one of them, Nancy. Tried to make a pass at me when Gail was absent from school. I was texting, when I felt her French tips dig into my ass.

It was really uncomfortable and weird. She later grabbed my arm and spun me around and I let her, just to see how far she would go. She grabbed the button on my jeans and unfasten it. Shocked as I was I didn't notice her hands going into my pants. I jumped back instantly and she didn't take it lightly. She just kept coming. When I pushed her little body away she would get rowdier.

I was large in comparison to her. I grew scared of her after she purred like a little cat tried to pounce my way again. She claimed at one point that she felt nothing for me and when she thought I wasn't paying attention, she would call me a pig. Once the whole situation blew over, she came to me after and made me swear not to tell Gail.

I had pulled Gail to the side and her friends looked in horror as if they knew what was about to play out. She shrugged my hands-off her shoulders, arms folded and waiting for an explanation.

"Look, please don't blow this out of proportion," I started.

"'Don't blow it out of proportion?'" she repeating, scrounging up her face.

"Yea, that's what I said." I got more assertive.

"How could you say that?" she replies and her voice got smaller. I didn't say anything else. "Did you sleep with her?" she asked and she looked as if she was about to cry. Oh boy. I just met the chick.

"No." was all I said again, she looked into my eyes. I waited for the tingles that Candice gave me. It never came. I felt nothing.

"I don't ever want you to speak to her again," Gail spoke breaking the silence.

"Who are you to tell me that?" I raised my voice and she put her head back slightly. Tears came out. "I'm sorry for yelling." I stupidly apologized. She didn't disserve it. She walked into my arms and cried. Why did I have to deal with this?

"I forgive you." She said in my chest through her sob and hiccups. I heard the girls on the other side of the hall, make awws', While in the hug I turned my head and looked at them, giving them my, get lost look. They obeyed and marched off, rolling their eyes. I broke the hug and looked at Gail's now red moist eyes. She looked so unattractive when she cried. She waited again.

"Look, Gail, you're an amazing girl and we've had some great times together..." she stopped me.

"Are you dumping me?" With acid in her voice. I paused. "Well?" she demanded.

"Yea Gail, I think I am." Why couldn't I have done this since sophomore year? She insisted she could change my mind about not wanting a commitment and I gave her a chance. I convinced my self to stay with her and I just couldn't see why I had.

"You're leaving me for that bitch?" She yelled. "What does her ghetto ass have that I don't?" that was uncalled for.

"A heart," I said, surprising her. "And compassion." She gasps, more tears flowed in like a broken pipe.

What the fuck to do now?

"I'm sorry. I can't be with you anymore, it's not you... It's me." I lied giving her the cheesy line. She cries grew louder as she tried to grab my shirt. I've never seen her in this state before.

I pulled away and walked off, leaving her, as she threw a tantrum. It felt sort of good and then I thought back to my reputation, she would gossip with her friends and they would gossip to others, who would change the story and spread it into something more.

With all this drama, my mind skipped to Candice. What could I say to her? I wanted to see her. Would she come to the party, which I was still throwing with or without Gail. However, It would no longer be an new school semester party but more so, my single party.

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