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An hour had passed since we arrived back to my house. It was pitch black when we walked inside, not a single sound but the humming of the refrigerator. Derek. Definitely wasn't here. 12:45 am struck the clock, leaving Rey sound asleep in my bed upstairs. She fought me when I tried to clean her up and wipe the dried up blood off her nose. That girl did get a few hits in there, I will give her that.

I changed her into one of my shorts and a T-shirts and helped her to the bed. She was so far gone, that she could barely walk on her own. I didn't think she felt the sting of the scratches on her left arm or her nose. I felt sorry for the thought of her waking up in the next few hours to that pain. I checked in on her one last time to find her curled up, snoring lightly in my pillow. I'd kick her ass if she drooled.

I wasn't very tired as usual, so I went downstairs to the living room, flopped on the couch and switched on the television. I lounged in the corner, staring blankly as I surfed for something to watch.

Finally agreeing upon a reality show, the sudden urge to sleep began take over. This day took a lot out of me and I just wanted to close my eyes and dream. Nathan was such a gentleman, so kind and soothing. I thought even though we barely had a proper conversation beyond the first time he called, I just instantly connected with him. I felt he did with me as well.

On the other hand, I felt that there was still a problem floating in the air. As much as I wanted something between us, I didn't want to be considered the, the other girl.

I had to fade out of the spotlight and just leave him be, staying as far away from him as possible. I wasn't ready to be in a relationship anyway. I convinced myself that it was better to be alone that constantly consumed in drama. I needed the uttermost strength, I prayed that nothing bad would happen.

My phone vibrated in my pajama pants pocket. I looked at the screen and saw a text message, floating there. I opened it and Nathan's name popped up.

Nathan: Hey, wassup... look I know that a lot has happened last night but I needed to talk to you, just to make sure you were ok. Plz talk to me...

I smiled. How sweet of him to check in. I began to type in words of assurance, but I stopped myself.

You have to fade... I forced my self to end the message and put my phone on the coffee table. Ugh this is going to suck.

Not too long after, I turned off the television and laid back in the couch again. I had too much on my mind, but I still felt sleepy. My eyes slowly closed and as I dosed off.

I was later awoken by a loud thump. I slowly sat up and the feeling of grogginess kicked in. I was unaware of the time but outside the window, it was dimly lit, with hints of sun still rising. I rubbed the pain away in my head and turned to something on the floor at the stairs. My vision wasn't clear enough in the dark room and blurred a little. I squinted to the figure and walked closer. Rey was looking up at me from the spot where she laid with tiredness and pain in her eyes.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I scolded, still eyeing her underneath me.

She just shrugged.

"Rey, back to bed." I demanded reaching down for her little body.

Why did this feel like mother and daughter? Rey received way too much attention. She groaned against me, while I held her side and her arms slung over my shoulder. Getting upstairs was a real challenge in combination with Rey's heavy ass.

We finally got to the top and I felt like we were going to topple over because my legs were giving out. Halfway to my room, my knees suddenly buckled, Rey dragging my body down with her. I was so irked that I just gave up, so we ended up falling over together and landed the most awkward positions ever, her hand in my face, mines on her stomach and our legs intertwined.

At that point, I didn't feel like getting up and I'm sure she didn't want to either but she was working last nerve.

WATER!" she yelled with what little voice that she had. I goaned, determined to ignore her.

I was babysitting a 17 year old baby and we were stuck in this weird position that I refused to get up from, even when Rey nagged and nagged, over and over for water. I wish I had the strength so that I could lock her ass in a closet.

I tried to turn my head the best way I could in her direction but from what I could see, she was fast asleep again. She still had her hand on my face and I had no energy left to remove it.

Time was going by and I started to catch cramp in my legs. I ignored the numbness and suddenly drifted off to sleep...

There was a something silky underneath my face and I loved the way it felt. I rubbed my cheek against its cushy texture. Wait! I jerked up and blood rushed through my head. I looked around at my surroundings to observe that I was in my room. Rey couldn't have put me here as strong as she was. It had to be some one bigger. Probably Derek...

The door closed, stopping my wild thoughts.

I gasped.

I couldn't be!

A/N: Oh looks like something is up?
Is the chemistry between these too moving at natural pace or too intense?

Enjoy the upcoming chapters!

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