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The sound of Rey's squealing in my ear cause me to come out of my trance. I've had several boyfriends but they've never made me feel that way before. Especially when I was caught off guard by his lips and his smooth hands on my skin; it sent electricity through my body and I loved it, but why? I've never even kissed a white boy before. Furthermore, that particular white boy gave me ardor and warmth that I craved.

I wanted to fight these feelings but they controlled me until I was rudely interrupted by miss peppy Rey. "OMG! girl, you have just been kissed by Nathan James." Rey said with excitement.

"I'm well aware of that Rey," I responded, giving her my death glare.

"Ok. Moodkiller," she said distastefully. She stopped rubbing and removed her arms from around me.

"What's your point?" I uttered, trying to go back into my trance. She was quiet. I turned to her.

"The point is that you kissed Nathan, Fucking James and he is one of the sexiest boys here." She sighs.

What was he, a king? Don't get me wrong the boy is fine but, why worship him? "What is wrong with you? Are you one of his groupies too?" I was nonchalant in my tone.

"What kind of question is that?" She demands, gasping for air and proceeds to rolls her eyes.

She had completely lost her mind.

The bell rang abruptly, causing Rey and me to jump. Cruely reminding us that it was time to come back down to reality.

Wait, would I get into trouble for almost fighting Queen Becky?

"Goodness. I gotta' go to class. Hun, we'll talk details later ok?" She spoke as if nothing happened, advancing to give me a wink before getting up to walk to her class. I looked around as people began to fill the halls up again, gushing in and out of doors. I stood overwhelmed and tired. I should've eaten something today. Rey always tried to get me to eat but I never had an appetite big enough to keep anything down.

Lately I've pondered about our friendship and the way person she was transforming into. But then I understood and remembered, she was lonelier than I was. I dragged my self to my next class. Daydreaming as I walked to halls, about taking a nap. I simply couldn't get sleep to come whenever I was in my actually bed, so I just laid there until I did finally go to sleep. My mother continuously warned me about my sleeping habits and that I should get checked out but I disregarded the idea and took sleeping pills, which only worked for a short time.

The bell rang for a again, disrupting my thoughts. I rubbed my red eyes, grabbed my black book and walked to class slowly, letting everyone race ahead of me. One last class left for the day.

I had to be in the computer lab today for photography. It was beyond me, how we already had a project assigned day one, but I pulled through. I took pictures of objects with solid colors or whatever the light hit, Red, green, black; white... He popped into my head again. His gorgeous face registered in my memory. I heard someone speaking next to me but I paid them no mine because Nathan's face was all I saw.

The person cleared their throat.

"Daydreaming about me huh?" I heard them say.

"Huh, What?" I snapped out of it and turned to see, Casey. I forgot we had another class together.

"I asked if you were daydreaming about me?" I chuckled.

"Oh um no." I gave him a fake grin. "I was just thinking of something," Or someone more specifically

"Mmhm ok," he responded with a wink.

Casey was really handsome but quiet and reserved. He had small pointy ears but, they were so cute. I would see girls he hung around play with them and joke around. They called him the sexy elf.

He was on the basketball team, therefore he was tall and lean. He had bright ocean blue eyes, a distinctive jawline, dark brown tousle hair that was now held into a neat quiff. He held a great set of teeth behind his crooked smile, which he didn't reveal too often.

"Seriously, I wasn't." I stretched on. He didn't go for it. He didn't say anything else as he returned to his computer. I shrugged my shoulders thrown at the random interaction, deciding to pull out my cell phone for music. I popped my headphones in and blasted, Lauren Hill's. I was lost in the beat and her voice. I blocked out everything around me and went to sleep again, dreaming about the Nathan and the kiss we shared.

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