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I eyed my girlfriend, Gail up and down as we entered into the building. Everyone greeted me with a hey, or what's up, but I paid them no mind, solely entranced with Gail's, ass. She switched left and then right and I watched stared closely at the motion of her hips. Gail was a little snooty and stuck up when she wanted to be, never giving any of the guys the time of day at Plesant Valley. She had great style and expensive taste. Leaving me to play catch in her crazy extravagant lifestyle.

We arrived at my locker and shortly after, she parked directly next to me, pressed up comfortably against someone's locker with her head tilted back. She angle her face eyes to meet mines, allowing the light to reflect perfectly off of her forest greens. She gave me one of her dangerous smiles, followed by her tongue quickly flicking her top lip.

"What babe?" I asked her, smiling stupidly as she pushed herself off the locker and struted over to me.

"Nothing Baby, I just love staring at your handsome face. It gets me wet." She whispered deep and breathy, causing me to drop my notebooks. She giggled at my clear embarrassment whilst slowly reaching over to my locker to shut it. I could smell the subtle floral notes of her perfume oozing of her warm skin.

"Last night was amazing," she purred in my ear while playing with the neck of my black T. I felt an immense heat in my core, fully aware of how seductive Gail can get.

Last night, we hung at my parents guest house and let's just say, things were beginning to get steamy. We were snuggled up watching a comedy flick, when out of the blue Gail slipped her hand into my jeans and toyed around. I wanted her so bad in that moment, that it made my head hurt. She always teased me when we were together but it usually just stopped there.

She always said she wanted to wait for the right time, but her constant toying was not something that I took lightly. I was willing to wait for her, but there was so much a man could take. However, that night, she took my by surprise. Laying kisses all over my body... The fondling! Intially, I pegged as her playing another one of her games, stringing me along like an idiot, only leave me to suffering. This time around, she went to unbutton my shirt and caressingly stroked her tongue up and down my chest. It was kind of weird of the jump, but I didn't think too much of it; gradually playing along with the action. I willingly let her take my pants and boxer briefs off and well...

let's just say she was really great with her mouth. We carried on and progressed extremely far. Going several rounds that night, before drifting off to asleep. We woke up a few hours later and she rushed out before I could give say a word and up until to today, it hadn't dawned on me that I had finally taken her virginity. We began to make out by my locker, but I broke the kiss once I heard what sounded like a teacher yelling, from around the corner.

"Moore. Do you realize how late you are?" It had to have been Mr. Taylor, because that man did not know how to let go and relax. I heard him speak once more, "Sista'", was all that I could catch. I wasn't paying Gail any attention as I eavesdropped on the commotion. Peeved by this, she went for my face and continued kissing me deeply, not caring if my lips were stiff under hers. She transitioned from my lips to kiss my neck, placing a hand firmly on my chest. I enjoyed every minute of it and the my lower region decided it would make an appearance, greeting Gail's pelvic area. She pulled back and peered down to it in exasperation. She forced back giggles, causing me to squirm under her glare. She went to brush the back of her hand against me and I flew back with a howl. She snickered proudly, throwing her head back to add to my flushed complexion. I tried to quiet her because we were getting too loud and I didn't want to have a teacher come out and make a big commotion. Therefore, she gave in and reduced her outburst to giggles.

"I want to see you after your first class." She blew on my ear. Damn this girl was freaky in all the right ways. She was too much for me and after she had finished her whispering, she kissed the two of her fingers and placed them on my lips before turning to leave me. Her long legs stepped one in front the other and her long brown hair lightly fluttered against her back.

Luckily the bulge in my pants worked it's way back down and I was relieved I didn't have to walk to class with it.

Damn! I was late for homeroom. I grabbed my stuff in a flash and rushed around the corner. Out of nowhere, a girl turn her head from her locker and looking to me. Sizing me up and down. She was exceptionally pretty, though, I couldn't help but stare at her for a bit. Full glossed lips, flawless brown skin, soothing brown eyes and long braided hair that stopped right at her chest. She had an athletic build, perfect physique.

"What are you looking at?" I heard her break my thought. She was truly the finest girl I've seen in school so far. "Hello?!" She waved a hand to my face. I snapped out of the little daydream, blinking excessively.

"Oh, my bad," I responded, shaking off the daze.

She spoke, with a soft low voice that rang in my ear. It sat in the back of my brain, and I was surely in a daze again.

"Hey! do you need help fixing your eyes?" She went on again. Why was I suddenly so into interested in this girl?

"Oh. My. Gosh! Would you like a picture?" She practically yelled in annoyance.

"Look I'm sorry, alright! Don't get all hostile." I barked back defensively.

"Well, I wouldn't have to if you kept the drool in your mouth. You creep!" She yelled back.

"Creep? Isn't that a bit much?" I argued, knowing she had every right. Nonetheless, she was taken aback by my tone.

"Ha! Not to mention delusional." She responded with an eye roll. She went to walk around me, agitation filled her face. I watched her make her a beeline, positioning herself directly behind me. Still in ear shot, I heard her grumble something before she was out sight.


Wow, she's got problems! Shaking my head, I went on my way as the sound of the first bell rang for class.

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