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I was so flabbergasted at what I'd witnessed. I didn’t know how to react and I didn’t know if I could breathe either. Was I breathing? My throat felt dry.

As I held up Nathan from continuing his bashing session with Tristan, my stomach expanded and shrunk a million times before I could think straight. I looked between the two; an unconscious Tristan and a heavily breathing Nathan, whom Rey fought to hold back. It took a lot of energy to remove him from Tristan’s body but once I found a spot on him that was weak, I used it to my advantage. I didn’t think he’d noticed but then he suddenly stopped his fist mid air. I pulled back immediately and grabbed him up, his body stiff.

          “Candice, take him inside, Now!” My mother barked with her nervous hands on her hips. At first I hesitated and then I got a hold of myself. “Hurry up.” She spoke louder and I jumped, racing to the house with Nathan on my arm. What was she planning to do?

Once we were in the safety of my house, I loosened my grip on Nathans arm and looked at him intensely in his dark eyes. I didn’t know what to feel towards him, but somehow, I felt a little fear in me while we stared.

          “What were you thinking?” I broke the silence and felt the need to scold him. Although my heart stopped beating the minute I laid eyes on him; He was wrong… So wrong for putting himself at risk.

“You could’ve gotten arrested, or worse… Hurt!” I snapped placed my palm on my forehead, taking in air. I looked down embarrassed and I had no clue why. There was silence and it felt awkward. I didn’t have and idea of what to do.

Suddenly I felt arms grip my shoulder and squeeze gently, and the warmth of his body meshed with mine. I spiraled out of control and I had no choice but to give into his embrace. My body was wrapped up nice and tight and my head was in a better place… for now.

          “I’m sorry Candy. I really am. I hadn’t set out to hurt you and if I had used my head, I wouldn’t have gotten into this situation.” he explained and his apology appeared sincere. I closed my eyes and sighed.

          “I know you meant well, I do. It’s just that you scared me to be honest. I have never seen this side of you before. You looked so dark and… scary.”

          “I agree. I’m sorry I scared you. I was so angry that I felt it in my bones and I couldn’t help but to give in. I wanted to…to…kill him.” My eyes rushed open and I blinked a few times at the word. Kill? “Don’t take it to heart. It was just a feeling. I wouldn’t have really done it. I had never felt so enraged in my life.” I listened carefully at his words and released myself from his arms so that I could look into his eyes. They glistened and were clouded with so many emotions. Like a variation of doors, but which one to open first?

          “Do you know how I feel about you?” I spoke up still looking into his eyes. I was about to open the door od feelings. I had no idea the outcome but I  took the leap. He then nodded in response and looked down. I pulled out my arm that was stuck between us and raised a hand to his chin, bringing his head back to my face, “I have… deep feelings for you. I don’t know if you would agree, but I feel that I can’t miss a day without you and I find my self stuck wondering what you are doing when we are apart. I find myself questioning if I should call you, if you’re busy? Why can’t I get you out of my head? And then, when you showed up on the lawn. When you looked me in the eyes with all that anger… I figured-” I paused to gathered my thoughts. I refused to cry.

          “Figured what?” He waited, longingly.

          “I figured that it was simply a crush or a temporary flame. I kept trying to convince myself otherwise, when in reality I knew I was still falling for you.” His eyes widened and I felt the salty liquid run down my cheek, that I fought so hard to hold back.

Nathan’s hands gripped both sides of my face and I felt his fingers tremble.

          “Looks like you beat me to it.” He spoke with a faint smile on his face and I could still see a little bit of anger in his eyes. Another door to be revealed.

“I love you more than anything and in this short amount of time that we’ve know each other. I never knew what love really was? It feels real and I can handle real right now." I didn’t care how corny and cliche it sounded but I loved it. “I want this with you Candice Moore. I want to be with you and be able to call you my woman.” I smile instantly at his words. Unlike Tristan they felt secure rather than threatening.

I caught quick glimpse of his nose before his mouth touched mine. His lips were so soft and sweet and his kiss was  heavy, like fire mixed in with his anger. He squeezed me tight and we kissed away. Pulling and tugging at each other, breathing and caressing. Man was he an amazing kisser.

          “I want to do this with you often.” He had a moment of words after breaking away briefly for air and I could only agree. I was so speechless. I had never experienced anything like this before. It was the courage that kept me composed. I didn't think I would’ve been able to find the balls to share my feelings with him so confidently.

For a long time, we stared at one another, until my wonderful mother bursts through the door causing us to nervously let go.  She leans against the door and intakes a large amount of air before letting loose, careful not to acknowledged the embrace I am sure she withnessed.

          “Nathan, I really don’t have words right now. Not at this moment, but I’ll try to find some. Come with me.” she requested looking between us. Her expression was blank and I had no idea what she was thinking, she didn’t look upset, sad, happy, relived, nothing, just blank. I hated that she had this ability.

          “Where are you taking him?” I questioned and looked to him for backup.

          “Don’t worry sweetie, it’ll only be for a few minutes.”  Something didn't seem right. I gawked at Nathan again and he reassured me with his eyes.

I watched him walk away with my mother, wondering what could be she be up to?

Before he leaves through the door he turns slightly and looks at me.

          “We’ll talk about this, later on, ok?” I nodded without thinking.

Talk about this later on? I wonder.


A/N: hey guys, don't normally do these, but just wanted to quickly update you that if it's your first time ready, welcome and if you are re-reading. I wanna drop a quick reminder that To New Beginnings with resume once all the chapters are up or FTW!

Btw! What do you think about the development of Nathan and Candice?






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