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I decided to take a nap to pass the time and I was so tired from shopping with Rey. She came over early, when I wasn't really expecting it and forced me to go shopping...

The vibration of my phone under me caused me to leap up from my sleep and look around tiredly. At first I didn't connect as to what could be vibrating, but the more it went off, the more clear it became. I quickly turned over on my side and reached underneath my pillow for the rattling phone.

It somehow became a habit of mines but whenever someone called I almost never check the caller ID.

"Hello," I answered in a raspy voice, there was no answer, but the sound of birds singing. "Hello?" I say a bit louder this time.

"Hey, Candice. This is uh, Nathan." I jumped up. Shoot! What time was it?
I looked over my shoulder to my clock and took a deep breath. It would be 30 minutes before the date and I wasn't even ready.

"Hi, what's up?" I said cheerfully in my brightest voice, while I yawn.

"Uh, there's been a slight change of plans." He said, sounding unsure.

I continued to listen patiently. "I may be picking you up 10 minutes earlier." I heard rustling in the background.

Shit, now he was going to be here in 20 minutes and I still wasn't dress.
Looks like I would have to cut down on my shower time.

"Ok, well, you're sorta taking out of my dressing time, so I'm gonna' go get ready." I stated.

When I thought about it, I sounded a little bit snooty than I anticipated. There was quiet again. He must've thought I was a bitch for saying that...

"Oh, well, I'll see you there." He said and I could here the immediate change of tone in his voice. Did I fucked up already? The date didn't even start yet.
Before I could even get a chance to speak and apologize for my attitude, there was the dial tone,

Was he that upset with me?

I got off my bed quickly and scratched an itch behind my neck and while I sauntered to my bathroom. Rey had me going up and down all morning and into the afternoon, running back and forth in the mall, tearing down clothing racks one after the other.

I never knew, shopping for a few simple items could be so exhausting
It was because Rey overdid the whole experience. She was a diva the whole afternoon.

After a ten minute shower, I couldn't help but stay longer than 5 minutes, so I continued to scrub and sing. When I got out, it was almost, 3:50pm and I had about another ten minutes. I rushed to my closet almost falling over my sneakers and stopped short of breath at the closet door. I opened it up and was greeted by the outfit that was prepared for me, courtesy of Rey.

I grabbed up the clothes and hurriedly threw them on, slipping into a pair of black ripped Hollister skinnies, followed by my grey crop top that left a little bit of mystery and finally I got to wear the freaking wedges that I bought.
Overall, I couldn't help but smile at myself and the deed of Rey.

With, four minutes to spear, I rushed back into my bathroom and quickly got out my mini makeup kit and began to randomly apply stuff, what ever I saw that looked good, eyeliner, mascara, Smokey eye shadow, blush and finally lip-gloss.

My, hair, well I decided I was just going to tie it into a messy bun and place a little hump in the front to add some flavor. Right when I was almost through with everything, I heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

I jumped and accidently smeared gloss on my cheek. I groaned through the frustration and grabbed a tissue to wipe my face.

I ran downstairs and held the railing for balance. I reached the hallway that lead to the front door and stopped short when I noticed the door was pried wide open and my mother stood there, her back to me and her head bobbing in conversation. I slowly walked to the door, careful not to interrupt her. I sneaked a peek of Nathan, and saw he had on basketball shorts, a T-shirt and some chucks. The dumb, wooden floor creaked underneath me and I was caught. Both Nathan and my mother tore their eyes from one another and turned to me immediately.

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