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I watched her as she peeled of her shirt and bottoms and was only left in her lace underwear. I stared her up, down, left and right. Every angle of her body beautiful, down to the two cute tiny dots moles on her collar bone.

Her breast and legs were topping it all. The way they perked up in the bra, made my mouth water, I should've turned and looked away but from where I stood her brown sexy skin took on a glossy sheen under the sun and it glowed. I never knew I would feel this way for any girl.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back to her but she was no where in sight. I looked around franticly to the deserted bay, then to the subtle waves but nothing.

I heard a few pants and groans in a distance and looked over for the extra surf board I bought for her. I saw a shadow behind it and watched it move around frantically.

"You ok there?" I yelled over to her with a chuckle. There was a moment of silence.

"Yea," She yelled back unsure but that's when she toppled over the surfboard, her back right on its base.

I couldn't help but to let out laugh first before rushing over to her. The way her body laid in that awkward position and her face... amazingly priceless.

"Can you please help me?" She hollered, and struggled to get off the board. I rushed over to her, a few giggles and reached for her hand. I pulled her up and we were instantly face to face, lips not too far apart.

Memories of our previous interactions popped into my head and the urge to kiss her was killing me inside. I fought it back, my chest feeling tight and my heart sped up a little faster than I anticipated.

I cleared my throat. I needed distance.

She took a deep breath and spun around.

"Uh, can you please zip this up?" She asked, her voice shakey.

"Sure." I proceeded to her zipper sliding it gently to the top of her neck and I stopped it from going all the way to the top, so it wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable.

She let out an unsteady breath.

"What's wrong?" I spun her to face me.

"Ugh, this thing is tight." She said pulling on the material at her stomach.

I chuckled. "You'll get use to it." I ensured and went over to my board that was chucked into the sand on the adjacent to Candice's board. "I'll be right back." I shouted behind me and grabbed up my suit.

After mini lesson of the waves and board training, we were almost ready to go in the water.

"Ok, you look good already; you're doing a great job." I commended her effort and persistence.

"Why, thank you." She did a little curtsy and held up an imaginary skirt. I smiled like a complete idiot.

We stopped to look at each other for a short while and I felt this mean chemistry between us. I was so wrapped up in this whole idea of her.

"So are we going in or what?" She pointed out to the water.

The waves weren't a killer but they weren't too nice either. Out of the times that I've been here, I've only got them once. This beach was normally calm and quiet. I typically came earlier in the morning, at dawn, because the best waves happened at that time. I didn't want to overwhelm Candice on our first date, so I figured, late afternoons were easier.

I nodded my head in response to her question and before timing the waves.

"Ok, here's the thing, this may not be easier at first but once you keep trying and going back at it, it will become easier..." I noted and looked to see her expression. She looked fearless and calm, like she was ready to tackle it, regardless of all the warnings I threw at her. It made me admire her even more.

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