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Harry -

I chuckled as I walked away from the elevator leaving behind the dumbstruck girl. There's nothing better than to shock someone who's been checking you out. If I didn't have this damn dinner, perhaps things might have turned out differently.. Oh well.

"I'm back." I shouted as I entered Jerry's house. "Here's your damn parmesan cheese" I kept the parcel over the overcrowded kitchen island where Tia had started cooking for dinner.

"Thanks Harry. You're a lifesaver. " Tia said, taking the parcel and quickly grating them over the food. "I wish my fiance was half hardworking as you." she screamed, making sure Jerry heard it from the other room.

"What? I'm doing your job for you. Besides you could have worked with normal cheese. We both know you just wanted Harry to go away. " Jerry screamed back.

" Absolutely not Harry. Don't believe that guy." Tia whispered to me.

I didn't reply, and started tasting some of the sauces that Tia had made. Damn, she can cook.

" Could you stir fry some vegetables up real quick? I need to see the desserts. " Tia asked. I wrapped an apron around me and grabbed the cut vegetables to fry.

"Thank you Harry. Unlike some people, you know how to switch on the gas!"  Tia boomed the last part of the sentence making me chuckle.

"I burned my pinky finger once trying to roast marshmallows. I have been emotionally scarred." Jerry called out.

Tia giggled as she chopped some apples and I continued to stir the vegetables.

"When is your other guest coming?" I asked.

Before Tia could answer the doorbell rang. Since Tia was busy with the desserts and Jerry was lazy piece of shit I went to answer the door.

There stood the same girl from the elevator. Looking flustered and annoyed. She was looking for something in her bag and didn't look up to see who it was.

"Jerry I'm some sorry. Traffic was a bitch, the magazine has a thing coming up. People are stupid in the elevators these days and-"

"Still following me? " I smirked as she looked up from her bag.
Her large brown eyes widened in recognition. She looked so familiar.

" You? " she croaked." What are you doing here? This is Tia and Jerry's apartment right? "

" Fleur! There you finally are." I heard  Tia exclaim as she pushed me aside and hugged the elevator girl.

Fleur, I repeated to myself.

God, it felt like deja vu. I had seen her somewhere. Apart from the elevator earlier today, it had to be.

Tia stood between the two of us.

"Fleur, this is Harry Styles. He is   Jerry's childhood best friend. And Harry, this is Fleur Eastwood. My partner- in- crime"

Fleur Eastwood. 

Not possible, this couldn't be her.


The guy and the girl lay knotted together after what seemed like ages. It had been 2 hours since the girl had asked him to move up stairs. The cabin suite was trashed with the girl's dress thrown over the bedside table and the guy's tux near the door wall. The stench of sweat and their perfumes lingered in the room, as both of them tried to catch their breaths. The guy finally sat up as he threw the used condom in the trash. The girl bunched up the sheets over her body to cover some of herself up. Digging through her clutch purse, she took put a box of cigarettes and a lighter. She lit herself a cigarette.
The guy smelling the smoky air, turned around to look at the girl. He climbed over the girl while she leaned back, still smoking the cigarette. Grabbing the stick with his swollen lips while his hands captured her petite ones, not letting her protest. He inhaled the air and exhaled it over the girl's face, inches away from her lips. She shook her head while whispering 'Bastard' and pushing him back over the bed. He smirked still smoking. She climbed over him and captured his hands over his head, moving close to his face, little away from where he wanted her to touch. Moving her mouth near the guy's ear, softly breathing out which made the guy tremble a bit. 'Nobody takes a cigarette away from Fleur Eastwood.' she whispered, then quickly climbed off him, victoriously smoking the half used cigarette.


No,it is absolutely couldn't be her.


Hope the chapter was good. There's a flash back scene which continues after we finished the Prologue.
My exams end this Monday, but I'm not sure when am I going to update. The last chapter has only gotten 4 votes  out of the usual 10 or 11 votes I get on a chapter averagely.
I'm sorry if it seems rude but the next update will only happen when the previous chapter 'Elevators'  get 10 votes along with this chapter.
Even though my update schedule is a bit off, but still I updated twice between my exams because I love the story. And it's rather disappointing to see when you work hard for the chapters no one cares.

Long story short,
Previous chapter, 'Elevators' needs 10 votes along with this chapter. That's a total 20 vote system.
I'd like to mention here that these are not vote goals. These are basic encouragements required to continue a story.
Hope ya'all understand.
Shoutout to @AllTimeChelsey
for her lovely comment on the previous chapter. Stay amazing lovely :)

Love and light,
Rumi x

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