Best Mates.

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20th November, 2015

Harry -

"Styles! I need the Simmons file in 15 minutes"

I groaned loudly typing more furiously squinting at the series of numbers on the screen

" Okay! It'll be on your table " I screamed back. The numbers just did not match up with the shipments, I kept on checking the document and my screen.

Furious, I picked up the phone and dialled the shipment department.
" What the actual fuck are these digits Carl? Do you even know how to take a fucking inventory? I want the proper paperwork in 5 minutes. If it's not on my mailbox by 4.55 you're fired. "

" Styles! The damn file! " Sam screamed 2 benches away from me. 2. Benches. His screams give me a fucking migraine.

Not waiting for Carl's mail, I logged into the company's database and got the damn numbers myself. Leave it to some miserable losers to do their jobs properly.

Still typing furiously which made my calloused fingers pain I muttered to myself 'Just this file Harry. Just this. After this you're home free, you can do it "

" I swear if you make me scream one more freaking time I'll fire your ass so bad! " Sam screamed, rather howled.

Printing the papers in record seconds and stapling it, I handed the damn files to Sam. He hummed in response going over it once.

Fucker can scream his lungs out to piss me off, but can't thank people audibly, asshole.

I walked back to my desk and leisurely started to pack my things up, when I was just about to leave Sam called.

" Oh, Styles you have to finish the quarterly inventory tonight. I'll be needing it for tomorrow's meeting. "

" That is not my job? I mean, Jerry does that. "

Sam gestured towards Jerry's table saying " Jerry there asked for an early off for tonight 2 weeks ago. When I asked him who is going to finish his work he said you'll take over. So the inventory has to mailed to me by midnight. "

Looking at Jerry who was packing up I said" Did he now? I'll be back."

Sam rolled his eyes " I just want the inventory Harry. "

" I know. You'll get it and oh, please for the love of God and all things holy, stop howling. You'll have that damn inventory by tomorrow morning."

I walked towards his desk as Jerry was grabbing his keys. Seeing me come he hollered "Harry, my man! What's happening this evening?"

"Cut the crap Jerry. Why the hell am I supposed to do your job? Enlighten me."

He grinned sheepishly, rubbing his hands over his grey shirt.
"I'm meeting Tia tonight, and I have to rush early"

"So what you're meeting the wicked witch of the west - I mean Tia? You've met her for dates a hundred times.. What's the giddiness about? "

He sat down on the table and I grabbed the chair.

"It's looks like I'm giddy?"

"You look like a kid on a Christmas morning."

"Shit. I'm trying so hard to be normal man"

I chuckled "We past that train long way back bro."

Jerry nervously hopped off the table and slammed open a drawer taking out a small, black velvet box.

"Go one" he said "This will answer all your questions"

I opened the box to see a beautiful looking engagement ring.

"I thought we talked about this Jerry. I'm not into you like that. You're my best mate but, this is tad too much "

" What? No! It's not for you dimwit " he groaned. " Here I am talking to you about my giddiness.. I'm showing you a engagement ring for fuck's sake and you think it's for you. Smooth Styles , real smooth. "

I laughed" Kidding man."

He glared at me "Well it's not funny, I'm tensed as hell "

I wiped the grin of my face cause I know it was annoying him.

"Where is this all coming from Jerry? You never talked to me about this whole 'putting a ring on Tia' process "

" I just feel this is the right time you know? This is it. "

I stared at him long and hard "Uh-huh"


"We both know there's something more going-on here Jerry "

He chuckled lightly "Nothing is going on Harry. I'm 29 and want to settle down. I have an amazing girlfriend who I wanna marry. That's it."

"Sure" was all I said.

Jerry snatched the box from my hands and slipped it in his coat "You don't get it do you? Not everyone wants to be a sleep around like you Harry. Some of us want to have real lives."

"Firstly, was that supposed to hurt? Cause then you're insults need a little polishing. Secondly, I don't 'sleep around' , I just have my needs. Thirdly, If you don't spill what the fuck is going on then I ain't doing shit. I'll tell Sam about your lovey time during office hours and make sure that he drags your ass and you stay here the entire damn night to do the inventory. "

Jerry sighed." Fine. I'll tell you "

About time son. I thought.

" Dad wants be to take over Tennyson Enterprises in 2 months time. He also wants that I marry by that time so me and Tia can be partners together. Just like mum and dad are.

I cocked my eyebrows "This a marriage of necessity?Not a marriage you want?"

Jerry shook his head quickly, "Heavens no! I wanna marry Tia, I love her. But... "

" But?"

"I might have proposed a couple of months later." Shaking his head he smiled "Anyways, I'm off. Hope she says yes Harry. "

I patted his back, happily" I'm sure she'll say yes. All the best."

Grabbing his overcoat, Jerry ran off. As the elevator dinged and Jerry stepped on I couldn't help but wonder. I'm so lucky, I don't have to marry anyone under someone's influence.

Cracking my fingers I went back to my table.

"Styles! The inventory tomorrow." screamed Sam's annoying voice.

Okay, maybe I'm not that lucky.


Please note the dates stated at the beginning of this and the Prologue. And I hope this chapter isn't confusing enough? Like I want to show what the protagonists do before they meet ;)

What do you think about Jerry's rushed proposal?

Thank you for 100+ views and the votes for the previous chapter. You can't believe how happy I was.

Enough shit spoken,
Rumi x

Dedicated to @Lirryisall for her amazing book Sugar, and the way she spreads body positivity. 

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